606 ilvl dh tank lf aotc guild

Looking for a guild to be a main or off tank can level other tanks as well if needed. I have already completed 8/8 N and 4/8 H on my lock wanting to stay as a tank though. My discord is rezerf. I have played since vanilla skipping only 1 xpac. Can raid two nights a week prefer to end by midnight eastern possibly more if needed.

Hey there! Added you on discord, we can chat later when you are awake again. Check out our post and see if we are a good fit and feel free to add me on bnet. [H/A] [Zul'jin-US] <Four Dads One Pizza> Tues/Thurs 9:30-12:30am EST AOTC/Mythic 8/8N 6/8H - #3 by Unholyftw-zuljin

Hi Rezerf!

We are Misfits and Maniacs on the Zul’jin server. 8/8N 4/8H =D

We are in the middle of a couple of roster moves and are in the market for a solid, laid back/chill tank to join our team. DK, DH or Warrior. We raid W/Th 7:30p-10:00p EST and will dabble in some Mythic raiding on Fridays down the line. We run a bunch of M+ on the side and we have a ton of fun while raiding. If you think you might be interested please contact Alterock (our RL). Hope to hear from you soon!!!

Discord: t56ix


Volatile is a friendly, mythic progression guild looking to recruit a few new members if you’re interested.

We raid on Fridays and Saturdays from 7pm PST to 10pm PST.

Our current progression is:

  • 8/8 N NP
  • 6/8 H NP

Our progression in Dragonflight was:

  • 5/8 M VOTI
  • 5/9 M ATSC
  • 6/9 M ATDH

If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out for more information and to see if you’d make a good fit! My battle tag is Raevenhart#1561 or you can try the guild leader vcronwen#1282

good morning saw your post and thought id throw some info your way. I am recruiting for a once per week aotc and glory group. We are looking for any dps and would definitely have a spot for you. We do only raid once a week on saturdays, dont know if that would work for you. Here’s some of our info if your interested:

The Guild
Currently Online has been around since 2014 and is a mainly adult community. We have multiple raid groups pushing all kinds of content. From normals to heroics and M+ pushes. We have many players that have been a part of our guild for a long time. Newcomers and Pros welcome alike.

Currently looking for our new Heroic AoTC and Glory of the raider team, Azerothian Avengers or AA for short. Our Raid lead has 8/8 Heroic, AoTC. Saturdays 930pm-1230a EST.

if your interested please feel free to reach out to me.
Tecfall (discord)
Tecfall#1631 (battletag)