I am seeking a friendly social, mythic +, casual AOTC raiding guild to call home. My current experience is 8/8N and 4/8H. My ideal start time for raids would be at or before 7pm EST any day of the week. Anything after that, I would consider for the right guild. A weekend raid guild would also be considered, but the start time is important.
I currently work in the travel industry which leaves me a lot of open time to play whether I am on the road or home. What you can expect from me:
1.) An older player that is mature and avoids drama and/or conflict.
2.) Willingness and availability to help fellow guild members with weekly content and mythic + dungeons.
3.) Correlative knowledge of current season dungeons and raids.
4.) Multiple characters to fill roles.
5.) Friendliness.
What I am not looking for:
1.) Drama
2.) Guilds with pre-established cliques. I understand that guild cliques are an unavoidable consequence of an existing guild, but I am looking for a community where fellow guild members push content together.
I just transferred to Area52 recently, so I would prefer that realm or a sister realm. I am not entirely against another transfer, but it would have to be for the right guild.
I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you. Please reach out to me with any questions. Thanks!
Angeluus (Btag: Angeluus#11931)
Angeluus (Discord: Angeluus#1901)