601 ilvl Mythic Raiding Experienced Enhance Shaman Looking for Monday/Tuesday Raiding

Title. Looking for a new raiding guild, new job and only have Mondays and Tuesdays off. Looking to do Heroic raiding and wiling to dabble into Mythic prog.

Bisbald#11726 Bnet

Bump <3 Still looking

Hey Bisbald,

Our guild is No Pressure on Stormrage, we raid Tues 7:30-9:30pm EST (AOTC Team, most with past Mythic experience). We’ll schedule a 2nd raid night some weeks based on prog, vaults, etc. (optional, and depends on availability of team).

A bit more info on our Recruitment Forums Post, but if it sounds like a good fit add me and we can chat about trialing. We start our Heroic prog next week, 9/24/24.

Bnet: KassiG#1130

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