601 Blood DK looking for a home

Life long tank player (DK, DH, Druid, Monk, Warrior, Evoker) looking for a long-term home. I have been tanking on and off my whole life. I am looking for a place to call home. I have multiple AOTCs under my belt but I think I want to try for more! I have 6/8N exp this expac and AOTC in Season 3 in DF (latest AOTC).

Now, I know most people already have their tanks…so I “might” be open to playing DPS for a place that is willing to help me and not throw me out. I am a positive person and gamer and I just want to help others and enjoy the game. So that opens the door for:

FDK / HDH / Feral or boom druid / WW/ Fury. ALso, if someone needs a healer, I would love to learn to heal on my monk or pres evoker. I can raid most days from 8EST to Midnight. (no sooner, no later)

Do I sound like I might fit? Leave your guild information and ill get back with you. I will be running delves and dungeons until then :slight_smile:


We are in the middle of a couple of roster moves and are in the market for a solid, laid back/chill tank to join our team. DK, DH or Warrior. We raid W/Th 7:30p-10:00p EST and will dabble in some Mythic raiding on Fridays down the line. We run a bunch of M+ on the side and we have a ton of fun while raiding. If you think you might be interested please contact Alterock (our RL). Hope to hear from you soon!!!

Discord: t56ix

Hey, add me on BNET Xiten#1628

We’re looking for a BDK. Would love to talk.

Weds/Thurs 6pm-9pm PST ( 9pm-12am EST)

Hey Sloth! We are currently looking for a tank for our main Heroic clear team at the moment. Our Raid times are Tuesday and Thursday at 7PM-10PM MST. Looking to clear heroic Thursday or next Tuesday!

I’ll reach out to everyone tonight!!!

Hey Slothhungers. Grease Monkey Militia would love to have you. We are a new guild started by a couple friends looking to build up a good group of people who want to progress and have fun in the game. Raiding, Mythics, casual content and leveling, everyone is welcome. We have a community and discord server as well under the same name, we are an Alliance guild but anyone from Horde can join the community first and request an invite.

What we’re about:

  • Progression, rockin and rollin, and not taking life too seriously.
  • Casual content and fun gameplay (Raiding and Mythics optional).
  • No strict schedules or heavy pressure – we play to enjoy the game!
  • A community for social, friendly players looking for a fun atmosphere.
  • Open to anyone who vibes with our mindset.

We are trying build up a solid group to do some mythics, or fill in to a group if we dont have enough people. We could use a tank right now for sure.

Message Swagbuntu#1827 (bnet) or illgandor#2019 (discord) for any questions

Felweed Cartel would love to have you! We’re just coming back to the game after a long break and still getting a solid roster together. We have previous xpac AOTC/CE/server first but just taking our time finding the right people that like our vibe. Very relaxed but goal oriented group that just enjoys playing together. Currently N6/8 H1/8 and raiding Saturday evening/Sunday afternoon. My battle tag is Akuma#1322 hit me up if you’d like to check out the discord and consider joining the gang :leaves: