Hey hows it going, im a veteran player of the game, and as the title says im a level 60 mage looking for a decent raiding guild. I currently reside on the server Westfall as an Alliance Gnome. Just trying to jump back into this again with a decent group, since i quit playing the last time because of a lack of content, due to the lack of groups i was getting. Please feel free to message me times and days of your raid schedule @ TheIraqi#1317
check out invoke
If you’re interested in a casual but still serious enough to clear all content that raids only Fri/Sat, check out Despotism – we’re even already on Westfall!
Howdy ! We are looking for a mage for our roster. 8/8 week 1 and a great group of folks to play with. You can contact me on discord at Tartaglia#9100 and here is our spam. Good luck in your search!
Guild Name: Exile
Guild Type: Semi-Hardcore / PVE + PVP. 8/8 BWL and 10/10 MC + 2 Onyxia Raids on raid day.
About Us: Exile is a group of players who haven’t played together for years on private servers; we met each other on our individual journeys through Classic WoW on Fairbanks Alliance. Although we have extensive PvE experience sadly many of us have experienced guilds that have tight-knit inner-circles, built-up cliques, and those types of guilds are tough to break into the inner-circle - it makes it a chore to try and get involved, and become a part of a team. Quit sitting on the bench, and join a team of players who want you to be a part of the experience. Be a part of a growing community, today.
brings consistent, friendly, and accessible raids to players wanting to build a community together. Our goal is to clear all content and give people a place to call home for classic. We clear MC in about an hour and are aiming for higher than that. We always keep improving and will push in clearing content efficiently and effectively. - if this sounds like something you’re interested in, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Loot: We are a loot council guild comprised of Officers with class lead input. Your performance, contributions to the guild, and preparedness will contribute to you receiving loot.
Raid Times: We currently raid on Tuesday and Thursday from 5PM - 8PM Server Time.
Requirements: Level 60. Sound mechanics and consistently attend raids.
Looking For:
- Mages - High
- Paladins - Closed
- Resto Druid - 1 Resto
- Priests - High
- Warriors - Medium (Fury only)
- Warlocks - Medium
- Hunters - Closed
- Rogues - Low (1 Exceptional Rogue)
Exceptions can be made for the right people.
Please contact Tartaglia, Spot, Berzerk or an officer online to schedule a chat in discord.
We are a cluster of old time gamers and friends who have a good time killing dragons and taking loots. Feel free to message me if you are interested ^^
are you stilll looking?
I am currently still on the hunt for a decent raid guild.
We are alliance Westfall guild that raids on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Check us out here, would love to have you join!
If you dont mind moving over to the horde
[H} Sulfuras
[H} Sulfuras 10/10 MC & Onyxia - Starting BWL in the next few weeks.
We are a gaming community with a long history in World of Warcraft. Our guild leadership has experience completing all aspects of WoW Classic up to and including all of Naxxaramus. With several Server Firsts.
At our core, we aim to enjoy Classic content the way it was meant to be experienced. Our goals are to progress at a high level and complete everything Classic has to offer, but we believe that maintaining a fun, efficient and relaxed atmosphere is imperative to the longevity of any team -
focuses on a culture that is progressive yet not elitist. This allows us to appeal to a much wider variety of players and to offer opportunities to experience and learn the same content the progression team has already completed.
is looking for dedicated, skilled and reliable players that are proactive in looking for ways to maximize their character’s potential, no matter what role they fulfill in the raid. Our players are passionate about the MMO-flavor that Classic brings and we capitalize on the social aspects that come along with that. We are looking for people that want to group up, socialize, and get to know the rest of our community.
As a community we know how to pace ourselves to avoid burnout and ultimately enjoy the game to its fullest and complete all of the content Classic has to offer.
- Tues & Thurs: 8:00 pm server invites - First Pull at 8:30 or when filled
Our mission is to be as efficient as possible within our allotted time.