6 years to unlock all duck colors?!? No more account wide WoW?!?!?

Didn’t I do that all at once on all my alts and those are account wide?

Kaleberry had a good point though. It may not be six years. It may work like Pepe.

RIP Warbands. We barely knew you.

It’s almost like the lot of you don’t get that Blizzard lives and dies by engagement metrics and what better way to artificially prop up those metrics than something like this?

Let’s also be realistic here. You are all whales. They know as much as you bluster and fume, your subscription is staying active and you’ll whine and moan but you’ll be back next year to collect the next one and any other FOMO they decide to dangle in front of you.

Despite all the claims otherwise, Blizzard does very much know their customers and intimately at that.


Considering we know the next 3 expansions, and they release on a 2 year cadence, we know the game will be around in 6 years.

What scales of measurement are we talking here. 1 to 5? 1 to 10? Sometimes, Always, Never? We have to know how to weigh this appropriately.

Then there’s no reason whatsoever to even talk with you or read what you have to say.

Not everyone has the same priorities or likes in this game. What you think is important they may not.

But belittling others over what they like, dismissing them, acting like they should shut up is not mature behavior and definitely not something I care to read any more of.

Have a better day.


I guess I’m missing something.
I see the Dev saying “future events” but nothing about these events being annually?

But if that is to be interpreted as annually, then yes this is absolutely insane.

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You have a lot of faith. Yellow Corporation had customers lined up and freight to deliver for 5 years out as of 2023. Know what they don’t have now? A functioning company. They’re auctioning all their equipment and liquidating assets. Don’t put all your ducks in one basket. Corporate America can gut, cut and run on all their supposed plans and contracts faster than you think.

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You’re missing where we all fell for Wowhead sensationalism again. :wink:

I didn’t realize it until Kaleberry pointed it out earlier.

I was considering doing the quest on alts to unlock more colors. Guess I’ll ignore that entirely now.


There is a difference between being a cynic and being irrational. I mean this game would exist in its current state with 1/10 the subscribers because it would still be popular. Therefore acting as though the game is going to vanish anytime soon and they would stop development, and in an unprecedented move for a Blizzard game turn off the servers, would require a drastic change on the level that we have seen no actual hints of happening.


Oh no…

Looks like you’re all out of wow content.

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Were you attempting to make a useful point of some kind?



This is a non issue that doesn’t belong in the forums

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It’s actually quite stupid and and a terrible design choice, but it’s also a pointless toy so I’ll just ignore it.

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This is all that matters

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Sounds like Blizz could’ve avoided this by having one color this year and then surprising everyone with another color next year etc. letting everyone know the have, mmm, something to look forward to for SIX years isn’t as exciting as they might expect.

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Smokey dokey. That too big to fail idea definitely has never gone sour on us before. Because success is purely based on current clientele, certainly NOT how a corporations uses, abuses or mismanages its assets.


I’ve played this game for 20 years without being able to turn into a duck for 3 minutes, but now that I can, I MUST be able to turn into everypossible color duck IMMEDIATELY.

Blizzard will make this change or I will cancel my subscription and go back to playing Warhammer: Online.

If the Venn diagram of “People who care” and “You” aren’t sufficiently overlapping circles for your tastes, you’re always free to just not spend the calories to have your fingers type out a response?