6 week wait for Catalyst in DF S1

Again: If raiders have so many advantages, why will they all be doing M+ nonstop at the start of the tier, and continue doing it weekly afterwards?

So the “advantage” of raiding is that you get to do the superior gearing of M+?


You got your own raiding loot tables. Extra chances at like 8-12 bosses of loot on 3 difficulties. And exclusive mounts/mogs/cosmetics/weapons and more chances at tier with 6 week advantage over everyone else.

So yes there are plenty of advantages of raiding.

The split run option of funneling gear to 4 main members at a time is also another advantage of the hardcore crowd. Basically funneling like 15 gear plus loot to 4 mains at a time if you so choose.

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If M+ have so many advantages, why are M+ players going to be raiding non stop the whole tier and continue doing it weekly afterwards ?

It’s almost like players who partake in all PvE have an advantage over those who don’t. From both sides.

Probably a better idea to run the raids first, and then fill out slots from M+ btw. You won’t have to do M+ non stop either, probably already will have plenty of slots covered from raiding alone.

The advantage of M+ is that you get to raid for gear. Week 1, how will you get those sweet Mythic raid ilvl otherwise.

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You for like 2 weeks to level some alts for split runs and funnel gear for when raiding comes out. If yall can do 5 characters each yall can funnel to like a 20 man comp 4 at a time with raids. Don’t even need to touch mythic plus if you do that.

Blizzard is so damn stupid.

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It’s not a long time lmao.

It would take longer to see set bonuses happen in ICC

They don’t, certainly not to the end. It’s quite rare to find somebody whose primary activity is M+ but has also cleared the raids on Mythic to get the “highest rewards”.

I can point to multiple frequenters of this forum who are big M+ enthusiasts but never go more than halfway into the Mythic raids. Why would they? It’s not worth it from a practical standpoint.

WotLK classic over there —>

Of course they do. If you stop raiding, you lose your raid spot. Gotta stay in to keep the Mythic raid gear taps flowing.

It’s quite common actually, because that’s their only source of reliable high ilvl gear.

Because they haven’t found a CE guild ?

Why would you farm a weekly 15 when you have tons of Mythic raid loot ?

No. You should really take a more in-depth look at the people who post around here.

Dude, you’re completely anti-facts when it comes to gearing. Early S1, raiders will have the definite gear advantage over anyone doing M+. We don’t even know if Valor upgrades will be in, or how low the cap will be. At the end of week 1, only raiders will have Heroic raid and over ilvl pieces equipped. All serious M+ pushers will spend the first week in the raid, only switching to M+ later on.

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Normal raid isn’t hard to pug. Just do it.

Ok. Enjoy having bad luck and not getting your tier until 6 weeks in pugging normal.

This affects everyone.

Also why would I pug when my guild is going to be doing this content week 1 ?

Idk why the complaints are confusing some people. It’s real easy to understand.

It’s not fun to be weaker than you could be solely because you’re at the mercy of RNG for potentially 7-8 weeks (remember the charges and having to actually get tier slot pieces to drop).

Who gives af about the bonuses being minor? They’re still bonuses and I want them. This is a game.

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Because they want it easier.

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I would rather raiding see some QOL improvements to the time wasted in raids and more gear dropped rather then the nerfage of other forms of content because this boring set schedule content is supposed to be the entire end game. Variety of end game choices is great because some of us have zero interest in picking up raiding ever again.

Nothing about the game is made better or more enjoyable by delaying set bonuses till 2 months into the expansion. (6 week countdown doesn’t start till after the raid launches). This stupid timegating of gear is what made every version of AP feel horrible on launch. And is the reason why later into the expansion (when things like the catalyst are active) everything is more enjoyable. Just stop waiting to release these things…

I’d rather quit, ain’t nobody got time for raids no more. I simply cannot commit a time slot like that.
If the game is going full on raid or die, and it’s going to treat pvp’ers and m+'ers like second class citizens, then screw it, i’m out.

Amen to that.

But Blizzard is just oblivious to the problems with raiding these days.

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It should be deleted. If they want tier sets, then raid. Simple as that. Just like all previous WoW. Shadowlands is the only Expansion giving freebies causing heavy decline on Raids. What’s a good incentive to raid? Delete Catalyst. Mythic+ would remain desirable even without Catalyst.

I can honestly hear Ion in my head. “This game is primarily and always has been a game about raiding”

Cool Ion, but I loved the game that had 3 equal pillars of progression (at least on paper).

I’m not going back to the way it used to be.

I don’t have any intention of playing your raid or die game. Your effort to force raiding on people isn’t going to work out, you’ll just hemorrhage subs.

Did you not play before Legion? Dungeons mattering is a pretty new thing.