6 hours maintenance without notice?

You must be new. :slight_smile:

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Are we getting crafted Tier sets early?

The Bnet maintenance has been on the launcher for at least two days now.

Does no one comprehend the difference between WoW maintenance and Bnet maintenance?

I just logged in with no problem. The only message I see is for tomorrow from 7-8.

I love spooky, creepy stuff so I love those kinds of videos! ^.^

Its been up for a while.
the 6 hour message wasnt there at 830 EST…i know…i was looking at it.
And then a little bit later I couldnt get into the game, checked the launcher and yeah…6 hour down time warning 6 to 12 PST.

what do you mean “without notice”? it was on the launcher yesterday morning

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Bnet maintenance is always on the launcher. It’s been there for two days.

This is a Wendy’s drive thru. Did you want Chili with that cheese?

Does McDonald’s call you every time the ice cream machine is broken or do you just seethe?

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Aren’t you supposed to ask if they want cheese with that whine? …I mean… Wine

Very odd I logged in at about 9pm pacific and didnt notice a single maintenance. Server was still up and running

Wendy’s serve wine now?!?!!?

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I think people are annoyed that the message went from “you may have trouble logging in” to “no log ins”. I logged out to grab an early lunch and the message had changed. I had to house clean. :laughing:

Wait…what…reads Tuesday maintenance notice

“…and at 3.00pm for Oceanic realms.” What have we done to deserve an 8 hour maintenance?

Who broke the Oceanic server???!! Own up! :thinking:

They are going to nerf all the raid bosses to levels where normal people can enjoy them.

That’s nice they are doing a different window for the ocean people so it doesn’t hurt their prime.

Personally I seethe. That is the one thing that flips my trigger. When I want a Frappe… I want a Frappe, damnit.

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Maintenance tomorrow too for a long length, Blizzard is in shambles. Not even patch day.

OP, they have a lot of stuff to add tomorrow… oh wait… no they don’t. :woman_shrugging: :roll_eyes: