Currently 3/10M 35% on Darkvein in 8 pulls
Multiple Raid teams
Leadership –
- GM – Jess
- Co-GM/Banking - Dargos
- Raid Lead & Strats - Dekovi
- HR - Nightbolt
- PVP/RBGs - Star
- Banking - Jaydied
Learning AoTC team will be coming back in SL. Raid times for this team will be Saturday from 8pm to Midnight EST.
The Mythic team is aiming for CE in Shadowlands but at a more relaxed pace. Would like a DE Tank and a switch healer for progression.
These are the current goals, expectations and requirements, these could change as the tier progresses.
-Mythic goal is to push as far as we can into the new content with the
ultimate goal being CE without killing ourselves for it.
-Allowing for and fostering a learning environment, where
someone can come into the raid in a new role and be allowed to
work towards the next two without being made to feel like crap
about themselves or their play.
-Team improvement seen weekly. This means seeing the team
become more cohesive as a team, each kill becoming faster and
cleaner each week.
-Personal improvement for every member of the team. This isn’t just
getting higher ilvl but improving ourselves as raiders.
Doing mechanics correctly, improving our dps/hps/survivability,
whatever the case my be for each one of us.
Raid Times and add-on requirements –
-Mythic - Mon & Wed 8pm to 11pm EST, Tues Heroic optional night same time
-AoTC - Sat 8pm to Midnight (starting Jan 9th)
-Some sort of meters, preferred details
-Exorsus Raid tools
-80% or better attendance. The more regularly you attend, the better
you will become. (There are some that work schedules prohibit this,
just let me know and I can work with these issues)
-Be in the raid group fully prepared at least 15 minutes before the
official start time. This allows for the first pull to be right at raid start.
-Consider the Mercenary program if you cannot meet the above
requirements or the one below comes up.
-Real Life is a thing but if you must be gone more than a month, upon
your return, you will need to catch up with things before returning to the team on a full-term basis. This will be laid out by the team lead and a more limited schedule will be worked out until the base requirements are met.
Current Expectations – (these to be changed with SL release and will increase as the tier progresses)
-Ilvl of 175 and reknown no farther behind then 1 week for Normal, 195 for Heroic.
-Ilvl of 205 and reknown capped each week - This is for mythic.
-Fully enchanted and gemmed with current mats.
-All members are expected to have a basic knowledge of all mechanics
for all fights BEFORE going into the fight. Members will also need to
understand the team strats beyond just their role.
-Emphasis will always be put on a player’s ability to avoid raid
mechanics and adapt over doing more damage.
-All raiders need to use discord with a working mic during raid. You will
also need to understand how to use the posting features in discord
for team communication and messages. This is the main method for
communication between leaders and raiders and needs to be checked
regularly. Adjust your mic sensitivity if it is needed, we should not hear
every key click! If you don’t know how than please ask. I would hate to
have to require most of the raid to go to push to talk but I will.
-If you are going to miss raid for ANY reason, use the attendance
channel! That is why we have one. We don’t need explanations. We
just need to know who we might need to replace for a night or so.
-Mythic + completion of enough keys to have at least two choices in your vault from keys, prefer at least a +6 or higher. This will change as the tier progresses.
-Plenty of personal food and pots. Though these are typically provided
you need to be prepared in case personal food is being used (talk to
your local guild bank officer, she might either provide or sell you
them discounted). You are REQUIRED to prepot, the RL and officers
check logs for them.
-Health Pots: Not optional, bring them or ask for some.
-Mythic - Augment Runes - They help with progression and the RL
might ask for them to be used. These are not provided, and you
should ideally always have at least a stack or two saved up.
Lastly –
-We expect all raiders to hold themselves accountable, take ownership
of your mistakes and learn from them. Help is always available if you
aren’t understanding something or need clarification.
-We expect each team member to come prepared knowing the
strategies for each boss before entering raid by looking at strat/kill
videos/warcraftlog replays.
-We expect all raiders to be able to take constructive criticism well so
they can look into their own logs/wowanalyzer to improve their
gameplay wherever it is needed.
-We expect raiders to have appropriate addons installed and updated
before raid; we use Exorsus Raid Tools, DBM, GTFO, and Weak Auras -
this is not optional!
-Have fun! This after all a game.
To apply contact:
-Jesseika#11484 (Discord Jesseika#6725) Jessieka
Shadowiz128#1805 Shadòw#3133 Preferred
Or fill out an app here h ttps://