6 Heroic raiders LF fun heroic raid guild in need!

Our guild lost 3/4 of our raid team after CN and early SoD. We are a fun group of 6 players who are looking for a fun new guild that needs to supplement their heroic raid team.

We are consistent players who show up on time, prepared, and ready to have fun while progressing. All in the group (see below) are between 28-45 y.o.

The ideal guild would be fun, social, respectful, active on discord, and with Heroic AOTC as the goal. Ideally on Azjol-Nerub, Blackrock, Khaz Modan, Muradin, Nordrassil, but we are potentially open to realm transfer for the right match!

Our group consists of:
1 - Resto/Enhance Shaman w/ Mage alt (runs 15+ keys with KSM)
1- Resto Druid
1- Blood DK w/ MW Monk alt
1- Shadow Priest (runs 15+ keys with KSM)
1- BM Hunter (runs 15+ keys with KSM)
1 - Aff Lock w/ Boomkin alt

Open to discussing here or via TheEnd#1168

Good morning! Abomination - Area 52 is a casual guild. We started as a reroll guild, but are now moving to the next stage. Everyone any level any class is welcome to join us!

Our raid days are Thursday and Friday 7:30pm EST - 10:30pm EST.
Our current progress is 10/10N 10/10H 1/10M. Our goal is to hit heroic at a reasonable pace, achieve AOTC every tier and possibly more. Repairs, flasks, feasts, armor kits, and weapon oils will all provided for each raid when appropriate.

Raid Recruitment Needs:
Any non-mail dps
1 Healer non-mw

If you are not interested in raiding we have people running keys every day. We also have a social/alt raid on Sundays at 7:30pm EST.

So if you are interested in joining us, having some fun, and making new friends or have some questions feel free to join us in discord: discord.gg/abomination

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Hiya! We are located on Azjol-Nerub and are still looking for a few more raiders for H/M progression. We raid on Tuesdays and Sundays 8-11 EST. We are full on tanks atm, but we should be able to use every other class/spec that you mentioned.

[A] < Coup de Grâce> Recruiting for H/M progression [US – Azjol Nerub] - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Feel free to reach out with any questions:

Discord: Keaudex#5097
Bnet: Keaudex#1808

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Hello there. Not sure if Thrall as a server peaks your interest but we are still recruiting dps for 9.2 Here is out current forum post ad below:

Enshadowed - US THRALL

Raid Days/Times: Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30pm - 11:00pm (EST)

Contact Info: Bnet - Bnet:Halloween#2483, DISCORD: Brew#4300


Enshadowed-US-Thrall is a semi-casual raiding guild, formed in 2008 on US-Wildhammer. We are made up of players with a variety of experience in WoW, from vanilla to new players and most of us have been playing together for a long time over a decade.

We moved to Stormreaver in Mists(which is now sadly severely low-pop) and have transferred to US-Thrall on 3/27/2021 for better recruitment with the goal of attaining AOTC and Mythic Raiding. While getting “Cutting Edge” is not our main goal, we would like to attain the numbers in our roster again to do mythic bosses and work toward it at some point.


• Healers (For raiding and those who can dual spec for Mythic Plus)
• Reliable DPS - Currently looking for melee classes as we are ranged heavy - DK, DH and WW monk would be ideal.

OVER ALL - Invested raiders and team members. We raid only 2 days a week and expect raiders not to be “raid loggers” who simply assume the raid will gear them and only sign on those days. Be punctual, know your class and be courteous about showing up for raid and most of all be “chill” we want to down bosses but have fun doing so.


DPS, Tanks & healers who want to push keys. This is a bonus. We would like to get back to having more than enough people who want to do mythic plus have the opportunity to do so with very little pugging. Being dual specced and having the ability to tank or heal is a HUGE plus.

OVER ALL: Our goal is to push toward attaining KSM for guildies and again not having to pug spots in all possible.


There are no specific requirements for players who do not wish to raid. If you wish to pvp, do achievements, gather mats to your hearts content, tell us bad jokes in discord (we use discord A LOT in this guild…) you can have a home here.

Be an “altoholic” (we have tons of those)~ All we ask as that you be inclusive, nice, and mature. Returning players, Mythic Plus Busters and anyone looking for a home is also welcome to join and be part of our community. We just ask that you be active in discord. You will find that the guild tends to be chatty there and THAT is where you will find most of us doing content.

Want to know more! Just ask us!

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Hey there!!

I’d love to talk with you guys about joining up with our guild/raid team on Area 52. We’re still seeking a couple healers and a handful of dps to fill out our roster, so this could be a really good fit!

At Crash Override, you’ll find a guild full of mature players that have a lot of fun playing the game together. Our core group has been raiding together for years and we went through a server transfer together in 2021. We’re mainly 25+ as far as age goes, so you guys should be right at home.

Our current schedule is (all 9-12 EST):
Monday: PvP (Arena & RBG)
Wednesday: Mythic+ (Guild Push Groups)
Thursday: Raid Night 1
Sunday: Raid Night 2

We’re looking to recruit raiders interested in starting out on Heroic in 9.2 with an eventual progression to Mythic once we have our AOTC achievement.

We have a fully established, boosted Discord server that sees a lot of activity throughout each week. We also have sections of our discord dedicated to FF14, New World, and Lost Ark in order to keep our crew united across games!

If you would like to join or have any questions, add me on discord (Restopresto#7647) and we can chat!

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Hi, original author posting on main toon.
Thanks for your reply - sounds like our group composition is more than what you have room for.
Good luck!

Thanks for your reply!
Our group is used to Friday raid nights. Will have to touch base with others about availability on Tuesdays and Sundays. Will reach out again if that works for others!

Thanks for your reply!
I am reaching out to others in our group about mid-week availability.
If Tues/Thurs appears to be something we can participate in, I’ll ask for more details.

Sure thing! You can hit me up on Bnet. You have me listed already =)

Thanks for your reply!
Checking with others in the mix about Thursday/Sunday availability.
Will reach out for more info if that works for all of us!

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Sounds good!

Yes. I’ve done some recruiting this morning and we have space for 4-5 dps before max capacity. But if you are unable to find a guild that works for all 6 of you we might still have some space available. Good luck to you also.

Thanks for the quick reply. Hope the days/times end up working out since you’re on the same server!

I have exactly 6 spots on my 30 man roster for normal/heroic.

Depending on who shows up we probably need the 1-2 healers and 4-5 dps you bring.

Not sure if these days/times work for you all but i’ll throw our hat in the ring anyway.

Thanks and good luck.

Thanks for sharing! Meeting with our 6 folks tonight to discuss options.
Will keep you in mind if we can consider a Thur/Sund schedule.

Hi There!

You sound like you would be a good fit for Ibyish Clan! We’re a long-standing, casual heroic guild on the Icecrown/Malygos server and we’re in a similar boat as you - we lost some of our players in SoD and could use some more folks to bolster our ranks for Sepulcher. We raid Wed/Sun 8:30-10:30 (EST) and do M+ on our off nights. We’re mature, laid-back, and while we like to have fun, we also like to work together to do content in-game.

We’d have a raid spot ready for all of you, if the Wed/Sun schedule would work for you. At any rate, I’d love to talk with you more if you’re interested. My bnet is Riv#1381 if you’d like to add me. Thanks!

Sounds to me like you have the strong beginnings of your own guild! Down with THE MAN, create your own and invite me! lol

Hi. You and your friends might be a good fit for our AOTC guild, Moonwell Dancers.

Founded in February 2005, Moonwell Dancers is a casual, friendly Alliance guild on the Uldum server.

We play World of Warcraft for fun, and the guild has grown based on the idea that players can reach their shared goals in a friendly atmosphere far more effectively than in the cutthroat environment typical of so-called “raiding” guilds. We raid. We just have fun doing it. We raid Fri/Sat 5-730pm PST. We also run m+ throughout the week.

We also have achievement seekers. And battleground and arena gurus. We’re knowledgeable and helpful. And we have plenty of casual players who just like to explore what Azeroth has to offer.

If you’re still interested, my btag is Epsilonp#1422.

If you can do the Tues/Thurs and Alliance, check us out:

WARCRAFT is a highly active Alliance raiding guild on the merged realms of Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh, and we are recruiting!

Guild established in March of 2015 and has achieved every AOTC since Highmaul.

Highest need: Tank, DPS (Ranged), Healer with DPS OS

Core spots available. We are looking for reliable and exceptional players to push progression and end game content.

The raid schedule:
Tuesday 8:30p-11:30p EST
Thursday 8:30p-11:30p EST

You are expected to be on time with flasks, pots, enchants, gems, and smiles. *We try to provide flasks, pots, gems, and enchants though guild members. If you need something, just ask!

We expect that raiders put gear up for roll if they do not need the item. We are a TEAMWORK-oriented guild.

The atmosphere:

We are primarily a raiding guild offering a highly active, social, teamwork oriented, adult environment. We believe in player development, including gearing and training players without elitism or cliques. We do not have any ilvl requirements to join our guild. Gear can be easily obtained, but good people are priceless. :slight_smile:

“Special snowflake” accommodations not available. Must understand the difference between helping and having control issues. If ex-military leadership causes “triggers” or meltdowns, this is probably not the guild for you.

Guild Discord server available for your voice chatting needs.

Contact information:
Zoobee-Khadgar (First Officer) (zoobee#1855)