6/9M, 2/2H <Inconceivable> Recruiting HEALS & RDPS. Horde - Barthilas

Recruiting for M+ and for our bench!

Looking for a few good men (or women).

We have some dps spots to fill. :smiley:

Looking for more dpsers!

Looking for more

need more peeps please!

Range dps LEZ GO

Need a couple of Ranged!

LFM Ranged DPS for our awesome team! Lets get it!

Hey All! Im looking at taking raiding more seriously. Maybe my mage could be of some use to you all?

Hey Vorthu, send one of the officers an ingame message and we can have a chat.

looking for new friends to raid into 8.2 with : )

Need friends. Im lonely.

Small note. Nos is still lonely.


need friends please apply

Dewarr needs friends.

Need more friends cmon down to happy guild.

Emphasised Recruitment

Emphasised Recruitment x 2

Need some dps!