598 DK + other tanking toons looking for a home!

Life long tank player (DK, DH, Druid, Monk, Warrior,Pally) looking for a long-term home. I have been tanking on and off my whole life. I am looking for a place to call home. I have multiple AOTCs under my belt but I think I want to try for more! I have 6/8N exp this expac and AOTC in Season 3 in DF (latest AOTC).

Now, I know most people already have their tanks…so I “might” be open to playing DPS for a place that is willing to help me and not throw me out. I am a positive person and gamer and I just want to help others and enjoy the game. So that opens the door for:

FDK / HDH / Feral / WW/ Fury / Ret. ALso, if someone needs a healer, I would love to learn to heal on my monk or pally. I can raid most days from 8EST to Midnight. (no sooner, no later)

Do I sound like I might fit? Leave your guild information and ill get back with you. I will be running delves and dungeons until then :slight_smile:

Morning everyone

Running dungeons today! Let’s get more tanks into mythic+

Heywire is a newly formed guild but far from new to the game. Leadership has been playing since BC, we are looking to build a solid heroic raid team and then push into mythic raiding. This is the start of the season, so we are not “behind” and have the opportunity to push content early. We are recruiting for core raiding slots not backups. We are looking for the following specs directly. We are open to others as well especially since we are not in Mythic yet so raid team size can be bigger.

This is a mature group, please keep the toxic attitudes away. We are looking to progress in a semi-hardcore fashion. We will do a lot of M+ as well so if that is your preferred scene we will do that as well.

Raid Times are Tue|Thursday 7:30-10PM CST

Add my batletag if you’re interested Oenamaous#1333

-Shadow Priest

-Havoc DH

-Resto Sham

-Mistweaver Monk

-Surv/Marksman Hunter

  • Outlaw Rogue
  • Demo Warlock
  • Fury Warrior
  • Enhancement Shaman
  • Prot Warrior
  • Blood DK

I dropped my guild information below and we can gladly get you squared away and ready for heroic etc. We already went 8/8N and 4/8H but we have had to pug so we are looking to solidify slots.

Friended you!

Hey there,

Our guild does have tanks for raid but as you said if you are willing to dps we do have the room. We are also at this point without an alternate tank for times when one of our tanks may not be on.

We are always looking for people who play tanks though who want to run keys and do content with the guild. I have linked our current forum post below with all our info. Best way to reach us is on discord. Happy Hunting!

Bumpy bumpy

Hey Thundabuddy!
My guild, Paragons of Pride, is a super chill place with a few raid teams and a growing group of M+ players. Our team that seems to fit your requested raid times is looking for a tank. If you are interested and want to chat about it more, just add me on battlenet or discord

MrSmash1993#1531 (BNET)
cerundion (discord)

Morning everyone

Morning! Hope you’re doing well. Allow me to talk to you about your possible new home of possibly some of the most amazing friends n’ just straight up gamers: Delinquents.

We are a well-rounded, dangerously funny and laid-back guild while also knowing when to lock in for our progression. Being a part of Delinquents is more than just face-pulling and getting no joy out of it. We maximize the experience for everyone so long as you’re willing to take any kind of joke and understanding constructive criticism versus being just a complete moron to your comrades.

Our background stretches back to BFA. We’ve completed and swept AOTC with every tier since Ny’alotha and indefinitely plan on doing the same here! We are looking for a tank willing to work with our main tank and taunt when DBM says…some find that too hard ahhahaa. :slight_smile: It’s great you mention dungeons and other forms of content, we always try to get groups going for our raiders so we can go into every weekend with better gear.

Our raid times:
Saturday, 8pm-12am EST
Sunday, 7pm-11pm EST

We hope these times can work for you and you can give us a shot this upcoming weekend! Add me if you’re interested, Coco#16722. Hope to hear from you!

Hey hows it going?

We’re currently looking to replace a lost tank due to RL. Would definitely be interested in chatting. Check out our post and send us a message!