This is between last year and this year. Yes I have enough alts to do this once per day per alt.
For God’s sake, just let me buy this with tokens or something.
What happened to fixing these kinds of events? It seems like the first kill each day has a higher chance (since Love is in the Air) but that can still amount to nothing. Just give us some reasonable bad luck protection.
Oh and last year I had the Kodo drop 5 times while I got 0 Rams. In ~300 attempts this year so far I’ve seen no Kodos and no Rams. I did get the skin on the first attempt of that day though.
I feel this pain every Halloween with the headless horseman mount. Luckily got a the ram and kodo for brew already.
598 attempts. I can’t even imagine. Edit: I have to ask. How many alts have you done this on?
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Currently 45 60+ alts every day on 2 accounts. It takes around 3 hours. I want it to stop.
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Huh… the Brewfast Ram was never a drop and you could only get it in 2007.
If you mean the Swift Brewfast Ram… yeah sorry I don’t believe you. The two Brewfast mounts don’t have that kind of drop rate.
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Yup, I’ve not seen a single Kodo or Ram drop this year in any group. These things used to rain from the sky.
Heck, even the Direbrew Remotes are almost non-existant at this point. It’s pathetic.
It’s probably the best gloating mount after the brutosaur.
Funny thing is, I remember getting it back then, and a guildy asking “Why are you wasting time on the slow mount? Are you stupid?”
maybe this is a dumb question but… can’t you stop any time you like?
No retreat. No surrender.
So what’s the problem? The only thing forcing you to keep doing this torture is you.
I had the opposite. I already have the mount. But I keep freaking getting more AND I CANT GIVE IT TO ANYONE.
I got one this year. It was the first I’ve seen in like a decade.
You will get it on your 600th attempt to summon it just once and then never look at it again. Have fun!
I heard a rumor that rare mounts are supposed to be rare.
You ran this 600 times because you want to be the lucky one that has it.
If they made it more of a guaranteed drop then it wont be something people are willing to run a scenario 600 times to try and get, it becomes one of hundreds of mounts barely worth taking the time to get.
I’ll be on year 15 
Though many years I stopped playing before or after hallowsend
I understand the obsession with farming mounts. You can’t stop until it finally drops.
I already suggested this before. Simply put it on the vendor for like 1000 tokens. Same with hh and love rocket.
Not getting it after over a decade is not fun.
a large amount of tokens.
lets say.
1k tokens?
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