5968 in queue at 7pm est

It is now 10pm EST and i am 2962 in queue. Est time: 143 minutes remaining.

So what you are telling me is now we have 5-6 hour queues? Blizzard, lol come on.


Yep and in about 5 days there will be no Q at all. This cant be your first rodeo. Dont act like this is a shock man. Im not agreeing with the Q Im just stating the fact that there would be one should have been obvious

Oh nowhere near my first rodeo. The only ones I’ve missed are WOD and Legion because I had quit for a few years. These queue timers are the same as when FFXIV re-launched. No joke, 5-6 hour queues there as well but that was back in 2013.

My whole point was, this is 2020 and it was estimated they were going to get a large amount of their players back… So they SHOULD have done what they use to do a long time ago: Full servers were locked for character creation months in advance.

Felt like i was back on Mal’Ganis mid TBC on Tuesday raiding days. Use to take 4 hours to log in. Would start it up when I got home from classes and would connect by the time our raid was about to start.

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This is absurd queues for a 16yr old game… They know this happens every expansion and yet refuse to address it.


Given the opportunity I would leave Area 52, because it wouldn’t effect the way I play these days, but not for 25 bucks lol


Free Character Transfers Now Available For Some Realms - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

It doesn’t list the realms, but I would sure bet Area 52 will be one you can get a free transfer off of.

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Be nice if you could transfer from outside of game. Sucks to wait 2 hours to log in to transfer off Area 52.

free transfers right now

I agree completely

Finally got in to find out where I wanted to go I couldn;t lol

go to KJ its nice, where I went

Queue seems to be getting better. Was at 15-30 min most of the night from the checks I did.

because everyone left lol