590 bear druid looking for guild

I’m interested in a guild that is pretty active and relaxed. I’m a pretty friendly person and am looking for a guild I can settle down in. I used to be a mythic raider but that sort of culture isn’t really for me anymore. I’m just here to have fun and not take the game super seriously. If the guild I join has great people in it though I would be willing to shoot for mythic if that’s an option, but AOTC is my goal right now.

I also do plenty of content outside of raids, and am always up for some mythic+ when I’m online.

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yoooo paws of deadlyness! i may have a great match for ya and we are in need of some additional tanks! we are a super chill and friendly guild with a real active discord with people doing all sorts of content. ( ill link the main post below) the reason i joined personally is exactly what you said have fun while not taking it super serious after all it is supposed to be a fun enjoyable “game” and its always nice when you find a group that can keep it that way as well as putting in some work in progressing
and in my correct opinion you can never have enough druids hahaha
would love to see ya around or chat more

Hey Deadly. I think we might be the home you’re looking for. Im gonna leave our info below and just hit us up if interested. Thanks

**About us: **

We are a Horde based guild on Zul’jin
We are an AOTC focused guild.
We were AOTC during DF
We are a guild that likes to do all content be it N/H raiding and some prog into Mythic without making it a job.
We have a very active discord we hang out in daily and post in all day.
We like to have friendships instead of just numbers we want you in discord talking and in guild.
18+ guild

What we offer:

Active and very friendly guild enviroment.
Mythic keys as a group
Heroic Raiding twice a week.
Normal raiding for alts and those who cant make heroics, once a week after progressing into Heroic.
Mount and Xmog runs (gm is a mount collector and goes daily on runs)
TW raids when they are available.
Movie Nights
Multiple games not just WoW
SUPER active Discord !
Friendly enviroment to grow and thrive.
Safe place for Women and LGBTQIA to enjoy playing

What we are looking for:

Need 1 Tank (BDK, Bear, VDH)
Need 1 Rdps ( Devoker, Aug Evoker)
Maybe a Warrior or Rogue

People who show up consistently
People who are not going to flake and leave after a few wipes (raid wipes happen)
Good attitudes
Knowledge of class playing.
(Willing to look at all classes and specs, no immediate denials)

Raid Times

(Prog group) Fridays and Saturdays 9pm - 12am EST
(Alt and extras) Wednesdays 9pm -11pm EST
(Xmog/Mount/TW) Sundays 7pm -9pm EST

We accept all players and are not just looking for raiders.

If this seems like a good fit or even just interested feel free to reach out to us, either by replying here or messaging us on the socials.

Bnet: Dragonss#11100, Nymue#11411 Remane#1467

Discord: Dragons2406, Nymue37, Remane

Server Zul’jin: Dragonss, Nymueh, Rimaine

Thankyou for your time and as always, Embrace the Chaos be Epic!

I sent a friend request on both discord and Bnet :smiley:

Hey Deadlypaws, we are currently looking for our second tank for Heroic raiding. We heavily relate to how you feel about just wanting to settle in and get AOTC without having to sweat through Mythics. If our raid times work for you I would love to chat!

I don’t have some fancy super long reply like these other people however has a tank spot open currently and we are a chill/helpful community that offers raffles and other events to keep things interesting while we push M+ Keys and aim for AOTC/Mythic Progression in raids :grin:

Hi dreadwind!
Are you still looking for a tank!?

:crossed_swords: Join Valhalla of Warcraft! 18+ :crossed_swords:

Are you looking for a fun, social, and laid-back guild in World of Warcraft? Valhalla of Warcraft is the place for you!

:european_castle: What We Offer:

  • Socializing: We love to chat and hang out both in-game and on Discord voice channels.
  • Mythic+ & Raids: Whether you’re running dungeons or diving into raids, we’ve got you covered. Our current raid times are every Sunday and Thursday from 8 PM - 10 PM EST, with more raid groups coming soon as we continue to grow. As a new guild, we’re excited to expand our raiding opportunities in the future!
  • Leveling & Alts: We’re always leveling up and exploring new adventures.
  • Farming: Love to farm? So do we—join us for some relaxed farming sessions.
  • Lore Discussions: Enjoy talking about WoW lore? We do too!

:earth_africa: Who We Are:

  • A diverse group of players from around the world.
  • Welcoming to both new and returning players.
  • We value fun, laughter, and a positive environment—no judgments here!

:video_game: Join Us:

  • If you’re looking for a guild that values good times and great people, we’d love to have you.
  • Reach out to us on Discord at VRNexus or on Battle.net at KingDave101#11936.

We can’t wait to see you in Azeroth!

We certainly are!

Kasady#1256 BTAG :slight_smile: