588 WW/BRM Monk Looking for Normal & Heroic Clear Next Week

Hey all,

I’m already in a CE guild on another character, but we currently do not have alt raids setup. I’m extremely comfortable playing Monk and am very comfortable playing either WW or BRM on it. I plan on pushing for M+ title as BRM on it (I know, good luck buddy), so I’d just like to get my vault filled and some rolls for gear in.

My availability is anytime currently:

  • Thursday - 4pm-2am (MST)
  • Friday, Saturday, and Monday - All Day
  • Sunday - 8am-6pm (MST)

Reach out to me on Discord if your team needs another player and let me know what the loot rules are.

Discord: Jonobocha


sup monkalogue we have a super chill guild set up and getting ready to work on normal and then push into heroic and would love to add our alts in to the mix seems like you openings in your schedule is perfect match for our current raid timing (ill post a link below) being a casual chill guild could work as a great match for your alts and as a bonus the people are super fun and chill! would love to see ya or chat more