Add a truly metal mechanical marvel to your mount collection with the fearsome new Steamscale Incinerator mount, available now for purchase in-game and from the Blizzard Shop. For a limited time, you can also get this spark-breathing robo-terror with the purchase of a 6-month subscription.
So what about us who are currently in the middle of a 6-month sub?
EDIT - ignore me. I need to learn to read the full article…
Nice! He breathes fire!!
Might do this for my birthday present…lol
Simple! Re sub!
or I can just wait until 7/20 and get it for free automagically.
Is this true we all get it 7/20 if we have a 6 month active?
Yep, you could… It’s the best way to keep in touch of wow content.
It breathe sparks. Amazing
Still waiting on the squid mount blizzard.
Really feels good to sign up for a 6 month sub and then 5 days later this drops and you don’t get the mount. Should be a window for recent subs within X days.
did you read the article?
Dang it boy, read!
Is it rough being this slow?
damn i didn’t know shadowlands was getting delayed
In the past, weren’t these 6 month sub mounts always available the same day as release for those already with a recurring 6 month sub? I don’t recall ever having to wait. My mechagnome wants now! Gimme!
lol look at all those dislikes! What did you do this time blizz-chan?
so they u p the CE by $20 and still need a sub mount added. No wonder they needed to fire 800 people with all this money they lose giving CEO’s millions
oh wow look. Another mount that should have been available to get in-game but instead locked behind a pay-wall. nice
I find it obnoxious that you lock these things behind a sub. I buy 6 months of gametime at a time with my Blizzard balance, but for whatever reason you value a sub more than buying game time which costs the exact same amount.
I’ve had game time through multiple 6 month sub mounts, why should you value group A’s money more than B’s when you’re getting the same from both groups?