You saw what I did yesterday and still, you have not mentioned any buffs for unholy dk.
Very well then - the ladder shall suffer.
https ://
Didn’t even need to cc the healer this time. the disc priest’s 2 million shield is nothing vs my wrath.
Literally 3 death sttikes
DK suffering from what Arms/Fury did a month or two ago; tank spec is BiS .
Just do balancing ffs screw AWC.
each death strike was fueled by vengeance.
unholy dk is lost, but not forgotten
Is uh padding or something?? They always seem to be 1st or 2nd in dam
yea the most important thing rn is dmg to a single target, since every healer can heal spread pressure really well. Also burst dmg is huge, which unholy has very little of
Why do the horsemen always seem to attack me as a healer? May be if they would attaxk the main target would fix it a bit?
this is the question every unholy dk asks. it makes up such a significant portion of your dmg, and u cannot control it whatsoever… so annying. Blizz can’t code pet attack to it ffs
DF: we want dks to move away from pet damage & more about coil damage.
TWW: Have more pets.
Yeah, diseases on off targets that get passively healed isn’t real dam.
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I’ll just dispel your diseases whether you get buffed or nerfed. Made Coleswole look like he was using a rubber hammer in 2s yesterday .
You gotta make a bdk guide to get it nerfed.
CC during dancing rune weapon and its over for them
It’ll get a nerf to sang or essence stacks on Friday. Press something on Rune weapon and the spec loses all of its kill pressure for anybody curious about it right now.