55 or older?

I will be 56 on October 31 and love playing Wow classic

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Hey allā€¦guild is in the process of being formed. We know a few things so far which Vadeem posted in this thread. To summarize:

1.) Horde/PVE server
2.) Raiding 2-3 nights a week. Times around 7pm to 10/11pm. Weekend raiding, nights are not determined yet. Loot rules TBD
3.) Havenā€™t decided on server yet, leaning toward PST but will be PVE
4.) Going to keep age limit to 40+ (exceptions can be made if necessary)

Hopefully we will have everything pretty much finalized this weekend and can get a official guild thread up on forums and discord setup.

You can contact us at: datzap#1175 or Tempyst#1856
Looking forward to gaming with you all =)


If Iā€™m ever in a dungeon with you, I wonā€™t yell at you :slightly_smiling_face:


My guild is debating on that right now, there is a battle raging between east coast and west coastā€¦

If we go east coast (the way it looks at the moment) then likely Thalnosā€¦

The ping times should be reasonably good for me regardless because fiber optic connections are insanely good.

I will have a ping thatā€™s lower than my Vanilla ping so I will be happyā€¦

Also we are likely going horde if youā€™re interested I will get you a guild invite. The guild does not require raiding but they are indeed raiders. The sentiment of all the new players we now have is to avoid streamers. I will activate my account in a few days and can get on your Durotan server to send you in game information on how to join us.

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Iā€™d be game for that.

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I donā€™t RP but will roll one toon on the RP PVP server because I like the community. Also rolling one Horde (already have a guild for that- the Crimson Knights). And will have a third toon that will be Alliance.

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Good! Will keep an eye on this thread so I can join :slight_smile:

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And heā€™s been in the US for decades and he still hasnā€™t mastered the native language.

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yeah thatā€™s cool. Hit me up - my namesake on reddit or mangojuice#1622

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Sent you a Battle.net request.

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45 years old and playing since vanilla at 30

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You 50+ folk have twenty years on me, but the majority of my friends tend to be my friendsā€™ parents. Let me know if you have a spot open in that guild!

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Age 50. The day WoW went live in 2004 was the day I stopped playing EQ and started playing WoW. Led a very casual, social, no-drama Alliance guild called Friendship Before Loot that focused on working together, having fun, and a lot of socializing with occasional optional raiding. We had many older members. I plan to relaunch this guild for WoW Classic on the Myzrael server. If any of you will be looking for a friendly, casual, family-oriented, no-pressure, chatty Alliance guild in WoW Classic, you would be more than welcome to join. It will be an adult-only guild and will be mostly ā€œolderā€ players like us. Feel free to reach out to me at Elise#1651 or look for Friendship Before Loot on the Myzrael Server when WoW Classic launches.


nopeā€¦ but closeā€¦ 52 here

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Any aussie old fart guilds planned :blush:


Age 58 here, my son started me playing back in 2005. I would love to join a guild with older folks, I want to raid and all that but too intimidated. My reflexes arenā€™t quite up to par with the young 'uns. :slight_smile:


I am 59 here, and been playing off and on since 2004. Any guilds just for us seasoned folks?

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Planning on having official guild recruitment thread posted on forums todayā€¦keep an eye out. =)


Would love to see the Demographic age group of Classic when it stabilizes. Would be very interesting to see.


Ah, I am still a few years too young for this thread. But I do in fact know plenty of late 40s-50+ people who play. The oldest person I knew who played was over 80!