55 or older?

That’s the plan

This has to be the best thread I’ve ever seen - all thumbs up… to all of you :wink:


I’m not a day over 20, maybe not even 15, but look forward to guilds for the outcasts over xy. <fill in ‘xy’ with your own bias>

So what server you guys and gals rolling on?


Whatever server this new “wise” peoples guild will be on.

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56 and ready for Classic!

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Let me know when the (A) PvE Guild forms.
Only too happy to leave the realm of WoWkiddies and their nonsense.


53 here and been playing since Jan. 2006. Anyone else in this thread also roleplay in-game?


I’ve never role played, thinking I would probably stink at it but always willing to try new things. However, I’m a huge PvP fan. Hoping to get some premades together when Bg’s release.:grin:

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a guild name for all the older gamers;

Old Age and Treachery Squad.

from: Old age and treachery always overcomes youth and skill.


You are old.
I don’t turn 57 until October!

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Over 50 here and would love to have a Classic Old Folks guild to join. Someone figure this out and tell us the Realm and Guild name!! (morrigan#1112)


Someone take the initiative and form a guild. I’m too lazy. haha


I’m almost 42, but I know a man whom I used to work with who has been playing since launch (I started in Jan 2006) , still plays today and is over 70 :slight_smile: He’s the oldest I know to play thus far.

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I will be playing alliance, tried Horde once and hated the FP and Undercity(Took me 45 min to get outside) lol. I will be rolling on Pagle PVE EST

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Somebody, PLEASE make this happen!

Just turned 50 this year. I didn’t play in Vanilla (too intimidated) but I started in BC!


Hey I resemble that remark…


Which server you gonna be at man?

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Same…55, been playing since a few months before BC launched - am hoping to find a guild on classic that has like-minded (and aged) players. This thread gives me hope that I’ll find an active one :slight_smile:

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We need an over-50 guild on Pagle! Im West Coast, but happy to roll on an est server for the right group of friends. Bronti#1683 (edited to add est comment)