51900319 Constant disconnects blizzard server flagging controller possibly?

WOW classic and anniversary

First, this error was happening constantly whenever I entered a cave instance or dungeon. No known trigger as it happened in various zones and during certain quests (during wine voucher quest, after turn in would error out at the bridge until crossing the bridge area after multiple disconnects). Now it is disconnecting on all my characters consistently.

Troubleshooting done:
Computer restart
Toggling IPV6, and optimized Speed
updating addons
disabling addons
naming WTF, Cache, Interface as old
Updated all windows updates
Updated all graphics driver updates
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flush dns
scan and repair
full install
restarting modem
power cycling
opening all ports in firewall
Reset button mappings

When all those failed to solve for the issue I started testing peripherals. I use an XBOX controller for wow.

Updated controller firmware
Recalibrated all functions
new batteries
Tried ps5 controller
Tried brand new xbox controller out of box
attempted wired and wireless

All experienced the same disconnect issue. Using left stick alone for movement will not trigger disconnect. Using right stick for camera with left stick can trigger instant 319 error. Note not using console port ( I tried it but it didn’t resolve issue), just using enable gamepad in chat.

Internet: Xfinity, 1 gig, LAN connection
(Note there is another user in the house using the same wifi and does not experience this issue so I don’t think this is an ISP issue)

Intel I7 - 13700KF
32gb Ram
RTX 4070 newest driver

Latency 9ms, 750MB down, 40MB up

Looking for a solve, patch, trick, tip, or something I haven’t done already as I use the controller for accessibility reasons.

Not sure if it’s related but i’ve been getting disconnected every few minutes since today’s patch. One time was like a 5 minute rollback =\

I don’t use a controller and I keep getting disconnected, constantly. Once was of course at the tail end of The Big Dig, so I couldn’t turn that one in for another hour. :roll_eyes: All just today.

yep me too, it’s kind of annoying. been doing quests in azure span just fine until i entered a cave.

January 1, 2025 still receiving this exact same error on retail for about a month now. Blizzard is really just going to continue screwing its customers, eh??

I gave up disconnects to much all of a sudden. Will put sub on hold till its repaired

Are you using a wired or wireless connection? Is it only happening on wifi or both? Have you spoken to your isp to enquire about how they route gaming data? If they prioritise WoW gaming etc, just offering other things to consider for trouble shooting.

Update here. Game settings graphics, scroll down to max foreground FPS. If it is unchecked it means you are allowing for unlimited FPS and this can cause disconnects for some reason. Click it on and set it to the maximum refresh rate of your monitor. This resolved a lot of my disconnect issues. Note: my disconnects always happened when using the right stick of a controller at the same time as the left stick.

I’m getting this problem too. Flydigi controller. WoW classic. Even without addons I’m getting the disconnects randomly, but often in the same places in the game world. When the disconnects do happen, the seem to always happen when moving with the left stick while looking around with the right stick.