517 Shadow Priest LF Raiding Guild

517 Shadow Priest LF Raiding Guild I have AOTC on all seasons looking for a guild that raids Tuesdays and Wednesdays my discord is pikachu9026

< Boyfriends > on Tichondrius-US is a 1day Mythic progression guild that is recruiting

Raid Schedule
Wednesday 8pm - 11pm PST

About us
Fun, Efficient raid schedule with a goal of clearing a majority of Mythic raid. Our guild is backed by a proven leadership style while having plenty of social aspects like Bi-Monthly giveaways and get-together styled events.

Recruitment Needs
Any (with the new expansion upcoming, we aren’t to worried about fitting in specific classes since plenty of players will probably be open to swapping mains or playing new alts once more details are posted about the new expansion changes.

You can contact me directly on discord @moarcookiez