5/12M Warlock LF Mythic Progression

Hiya Kleanshirt,

Not sure if you are still looking, but Act Naturally is a 20man mythic progression raiding guild on Alliance side (on Sargeras). Current progression is 6/12 Mythic Ny’alotha. This is a friendly community with fair-minded leadership based around real teamwork, and camaraderie.

We are looking for 1-2 more ranged DPS who are mythic-ready to round out our roster. We are actively raiding and working on progression, either Vex or Ra’den next.

More info: 8/12M Team [A]

Our raid times are
Tues 8:00-11:00pm Eastern Time (ET)
Thurs 8:00-11:00pm Eastern Time (ET)
Saturday Optional Alt Raid 8:00 - 11:00 pm (EST)

If interested please contact one of us:
Baldazar (GM) on Discord at Talon#0185
Piqua at Pique#2847 (Discord) or Pique#11433 (Battlenet)

GL with your search!