5/12M Nyalotha mage/hunter LF mythic raiding guild

Hey Aluntyra,

I appreciate your loyalty to your guild and you sound like someone who would be a good fit here. Check us out and reach out if you’re interested!

Proficient (formerly known as Proficient in Wagons) formed during ABT and has stayed active throughout the end of Legion and through BFA. We were 3/8 M in EP, and currently 10/12 M Nya. Our Raid Nights are Tuesday/Wednesday 9:00pm to 12:00am EST. We usually do alt/optional runs on Saturday based on interest. We are not a hardcore guild aiming for CE, however we do like to make progress in Mythic where we can, which means raiders should come with knowledge of the fights before raid time. Currently, we are doing mythic farm content on Tuesdays and progression Mythic content on Wednesdays. We have most recently downed Il’gynoth (last night), and will be starting our progression on Carapace.

Pushing M+ keys has been a growing priority in the guild as more people are looking for challenging content outside of raids. Our active members are currently getting their +15s done every week with little to no trouble. We have multiple guild members with .io 2.7k+. Future members are welcome to join push teams if they are interested and able.

Our main objective and priority is to keep up an active and enjoyable community throughout BfA and then into Shadowlands.

We have an active discord at night and highly encourage its use outside of events for greater enjoyment of the game. Discord is required for events (raids).

We are looking for a few dps to round out our roster. Mythic spots are set by performance and/or comp for progression, and then we try to rotate people in for re-kills. Currently, we are melee heavy, so priority recruitment would be for RDPS.

We might have a tank spot available if the fit and circumstances are right.

If interested, feel free to reach our GM through a PM, or in game yaomingdave#1615, or in discord yaomingdave#4312.

Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon!

No Turning Back 11/12M
Hello looking for more dps reach out or check out our website and apply

h ttps://guildsofwow.com/noturningback

We are a small guild on Sargeras that has an active community both in game and on Discord. We are active during off raid nights with mythic+ and other in game content. We are a 2 night 6 hour a week raiding guild with intentions of achieving Cutting Edge. We have built a solid core and are looking for a few more raiders to add to our community and roster. We like to joke around and pick on each other all in good fun, but when it comes to progression we know how to change modes and be serious to get content down. Our atmosphere is extremely important to us, therefore we have a zero drama tolerance. We are looking for long term raiders with a competitive drive and a desire to always improve.

Raid Schedule:
Tuesdays and Wednesdays 7:30-10:30pm CST (Invites are sent out 10 minutes prior)

• Complete at least 1 +15 key per week.
• Have DBM/Bigwigs, Ert, and WeakAuras.
•Keeping Heart of Azeroth neck levels competitive, grinding out corruption resistance on legendary cloak for 8.3
• Be on time for raid invites with consumables which includes pots, food, flasks, and runes.
• Knowing your class. Keep up to date on the latest and greatest talents, azerite, essences, and gem/enchant combinations to perform as well as possible on each fight.
• Research on each fight for your specific role/class is required.
• Sign up to raids on the in-game calendar.

Attendance: We are looking for competent and reliable raiders that can maintain a 90% attendance rate. We are all adults with lives outside the game so we do understand that things happen. Our policy on missing raids is to notify an officer before raid, unless an emergency occurs.

If you are interested in joining add my battle tag or discord info:
Bnet: Ash#11430 Discord: Celesaris#7924

Sorry to hear about your guild, but you can always remain friends with people and raid elsewhere :slight_smile: the great thing about WoW!

Heres our blurb. I dont know what your goals are but we’re on the more relaxed side of “hardcore”. We do what we can for our characters / learn as much as we can… but a lot of us cant play that often so we dont really want that CE grind anymore.

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Hi there! We’re currently in search of more dps for N’zoth progression!

** Gratz is recruiting! **

Faction: Horde
Server: Nordrassil/Muradin

CoS Progression: 2/2 H
BoD Progression: 9/9 N, 9/9 H, 5/9 M
EP Progression: 9/9 N, 9/9 H, 5/8 M
Ny’alotha Progression:12/12N, 12/12H, 11/12M
Raid Schedule: Tues/Weds 8:00pm-11:00pm CST
Farm/Alt Runs: Sunday Night
Mythic+: Daily/Nightly

(Aimee#1121 bnet / Aimee#0573 Discord)
(SwankyOrc#110857 bnet / Swankyorc#7838 Discord)

Hey Aluntyra, I think our guild might fit your needs. While we are only 4/12, we have recently decided to take the step into becoming a serious raiding guild moving forward into the end of this expac and into SL. You seem like you want a guild with a great community as well, and we have that. Here is our information:

THE DEADMEN [Blackwater Raiders] - 4/12 Mythic, 12/12 Heroic


Progression Mythic Team: Tuesday/Thursday 8:00-11:00pm EST. These nights are mandatory for all our mythic team raiders, unless proper notice is given ahead of time.

Junior/Alt Heroic Team: Sunday 8:00-11:00pm EST. This is for alts and other guild members looking to gear up and learn the heroic fights. Anyone is welcome for a chill and fun evening! Not required but encouraged.


We are currently recruiting all classes and specs for permanent raid spots and backup positions. We require our core raid team to have ilvl 470 gear, rank 15 cloak, rank 3 essences, and a working mic. Raid team members must be able to commit to the Tues/Thurs raid times. At the moment, we do not require that our raid team realm transfers/joins our guild. If you are interested in raiding with us but your character does not meet our criteria, our guild is committed to helping you gear up and get better so that you can be on the team.


THE DEADMEN is the largest and most active guild on our server. In addition to our three raid nights, we hold Glory Raid Achievement runs every Saturday, and Hide & Seek nights every couple weeks. We run Mythic+ keystones daily and we are also very helpful when it comes to gearing alts and new players, with many members willing to run keys and Normal/Heroic Nyalotha to help gear up new characters.

We have a very social and friendly community. Most evenings have approximately 50 members online playing. Our discord server is very active, with many of our guild members and raid team using it to socialize and hang out. However, all of our social events are optional.

Please message me on discord or battle tag if you are interested in joining our team.

Discord: Avare#2045

Battle Tag: Avare#11639

Don’t throw in any towels! Our weekend group can use another good mage, check us out!

Hey Aluntrya,

Our guild is a newly formed guild that is currently 10/12M. We are recruiting players to round out our mythic team so we can continue current mythic progression and to prepare for Shadowlands. In shadowlands we plan to push CE early in the tier while still having fun together as a guild. We normally raid Wed, Thurs 9pm-12am EST and we have also been Monday for trials and for anyone wanting to do heroic. We are all friendly and willing to help with gearing and mythic + outside of raid as well. If you are interested my discord is Pray#8417 and bnet is Juf3r#1319.

Greetings Aluntyra,

If Alliance is an option, I invite you to check us out!

Disorientated of Stormrage, an Alliance guild, is recruiting for both Mythic and Heroic raids in Shadowlands.

Who we are:

Disorientated is a newer guild comprised of a group of raiders who have been raiding together for a while, and of course, some newer members. We formed in mid-June and obtained our AOTC. Now, just a few weeks later, we are 5/12 Mythic, with sub 30% pulls on Drest.

Our goals:

Our goals are simple. We strive to progress as far as possible while having fun. This is a game after all, and we want to be a place where you can unwind and forget the day. On off nights we have a blast doing M+ and some PvP. During raids we joke around during trash, but when it is time to pull the boss, it is business.

About the raid teams:

We are planning on having 2 raid teams for Shadowlands. The first team will be raiding Mythic and focused on achieving Cutting Edge each tier. This team has a current solid core of around 16-17 raiders. The second team will be a Normal and Heroic team that will achieve AOTC each tier. This team is not yet formed but will be recruited for as we get closer to Shadowlands. We are focusing on quality over quantity!!

Raid times and needs:

Mythic Team:

This team currently raids Tuesday and Wednesday from 7pm – 10pm EST. Mondays are an optional raid night. In Shadowlands, a third night will be added for progression, though the day is not set yet. This team is looking for a tank, maybe a healer, and a couple DPS.

Normal/Heroic Team:

This team does not have set raid days yet, primarily as we are just now starting to form it. They will more than likely raid 2 nights a week, either 7pm – 10pm EST or 8pm – 11pm EST. All roles are needed for this team at this time.

Contact Info:

We can be reached on B-net at Ryouice#11303 (me, GM) or Zhredder #1995 (Battleyoshi, Mythic Raid Leader). You can also hop in our Discord at https: // discord. gg / c8yvzvu.

Note: during the day we have limited access to Discord, so please be patient. Feel free to chat with anyone who may be on at the time until one of us gets on.

Faction: Horde
Realm: Hyjal
Raid Times: Wed/Thur 7:30 - 11:00pm PST

Hello Aluntyra! I am the GM / Raid Lead for Take on Me, a two day mythic progression guild located on Hyjal (Horde).

If you are interested in learning more about us and want to be a part of a guild with a proven history and a bright future feel free to stop by our forum post and use one of the following contact methods below so that we can schedule a time to talk over discord to see if our guild is the right fit for you.

Discord: MOARCOOKIEZ#3023

We look forward to hearing from you!

Hey man we’re currently 4/12 and still trying to go deeper in this expansion. Sounds like you would make a great fit and we’d like to haev you we raid 730-10PM eastern on bleeding hollow wed/thurs. If interested add my b-tag buttercup#1858

We are a group of players who have been playing together as far back as BC/Wrath. Currently recruiting more for our Mythic raid team on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Some of us also play a few other games on off nights. If this is a community you would be interested in being in, please check out our spam below and contact us!

Imminent Failure is an adult raiding guild that focuses on raiding productively with a casual schedule. That being said we are looking for players who are interested in raiding with us.

We are running a two day schedule with a Thursday farm night.
Tuesday - 9:00 - 11:30
Wednesday - 9:00 - 11:30
Thursday - 9:00 - 11:30 (Optional farm night)

Please keep in mind that with we are looking for members to be able to commit to those days!

I would be happy to share further details over bnet chat. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you are interested in our team.

Currently 9/12M looking for both current content and Shadowlands!


Bigly Pumps [ A ] is a guild of players looking to form a tight-knit Mythic raid group that enjoys Mythic+, PVP, and leveling alts together as well as progressing towards AoTC / CE in the current tier content and upcoming expansion. A handful of us have recently rejoined retail after trying out Classic and realizing that what we really missed most out of the game was not the content from years ago but the team we had built. Many of us have stayed friends for over 10 years and we plan to add more cool people to our ranks in the weeks and months to come.

A little background on us:

A few of the core members have been raiding together since the original Vanilla wow days. Progressing as a unit through most tier contents has been a big focus of our friend group. We have not only cleared all content that we have ever faced, but in Wrath we produced and maintained a top 50 US guild on Stormreaver. We plan to continue this trend of efficient raiding yet not too bleeding edge that we can’t enjoy the content.

As I said before, we are looking to add like-minded players that we can form a tight bond with as we progress through the tail end of BFA and on into Shadowlands. The goals we set will reflect the desires of the recruits and players we bring in. We plan to keep the numbers smaller than most guilds all while making a name for ourselves on one of the largest servers in the US for Alliance.

What are we looking for?
**-**We are currently looking for players with a positive yet competitive mindset
**-**We gravitate to players who have a good sense of humor and thick skin but that can focus when the time is right to buckle down (aka progression)
**-**Good attitude and mutual respect towards fellow guild members

Our Raid Schedule is as follows:
MYTHIC - Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30-11:30 PM EST
HEROIC Clear Saturday 8:00 PM -12:00 AM EST (Optional)

Current Progress: 7/12 M Ny’alotha

Currently Progressing on Ra-Den

We are currently recruiting the following classes:
WARLOCK - High Need
Fire Mage

Blood DK or Brewmaster Monk

Resto Druid or H Pally

Feel free to add me on Bnet if this style of guild suits your interest: Burnsey#1181

Hiya I implore you to look into Please remove thank you if you have any interest in going alliance.

Newer guild being founded in november of 2019 and pushing for cutting edge currently 10/12m with an impressively talented group of players that weve built up from nothing.

Looking for more ranged dps and immunities to push nzoth after carapace!

Hi Aluntyra,

We’re looking for players with some prior mythic experience who want to step into a well-organized raid environment going into the expansion. Reading your description of your current situation, I’m struck by the level of focus on guild culture your post demonstrates. I expect we can offer you a group of players who, like your current teammates, you can enjoy playing with, but who also like to do the work to progress quickly and efficiently. We may be a bit of a jump for you in progression, but with the attitude you display in this post, I expect you’re hungry for the challenge raiding with us can provide you and the resources and teammates we can provide you to help you meet that challenge.

Our primary organizational focus is on maintaining a positive and productive raid culture. We’re willing to make short term sacrifices like investing in a player who shows potential and needs some gear and some practice or removing a player who might be highly skilled individually but isn’t on board with playing as a team and keeping the raid culture positive.

We raid a fairly casual schedule and try to take advantage of our limited hours by coming to raid well prepared and highly organized. As an example, we use PTR testing footage and logs to create strats we’ll use during week 1. There’s an example from Ny’alotha in our recruitment information, and we also already have a guide posted for Hungering Destroyer in Castle Nathria.

If those practices and values speak to you, have a look at our recruitment post and drop us an application if you like what you see, or add me on bnet at Klik#1399 if you’d like to speak further before deciding to apply.

Lok’tar, Aluntyra!

Cinder and Ash - Mal’ganis Horde is 9/12M and raids Fri/Sat 7-10 central.

The things you love about your current guild are the things I’ve worked to foster in mine over the last 10 years. We’re friendly and enjoy pushing content together, but we also work hard as a team and down bosses.

If our times work for you and you have any questions, let me know.

btag - ember#1670
disc - ember#2528

Come on over, we’re a good group, we’re pretty laid back, but focused on progress at the same time. Started our journey into Mythic Nya less than 2 months ago, currently 8/12 with Ra-Den down. We are pushing to hit CE depending on when prepatch drops. Give me a shout on Discord Eibach#6765

Hey! I’d love to chat with you and see if you are a good fit with us. Our guild is currently 6/12M with a 10/12M raid leader (that’s me!). We are on Zul’jin-H. We raid Tue/Wed from 8pm EST until 11pm EST.

If you’d be interested in chatting, hit me up on B.net (Krystalline#1901) or Discord (Krystalline#8213). Good luck in your search!

Hi Aluntyra
I’d like to chat with you about possibly raiding with us :slight_smile:

Reprieve {10/12M} is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on Thrall [Horde]. Our current schedule is 2 nights a week , Tues/Weds night at 12am (midnight) to 3am EST. (9pm-12am PST). As with most guilds near the end of an expansion, we have lost members due to burnout and other personal reasons. We are looking to fill in the last dps spot for raid so we can concentrate on the final push to CE this tier.

If you are interested and If this time slot works for you, please let me know

Discord : Nephlim#6908 (Preferred)
Bnet : Nephlim#1798

Hi Aluntyra,

I’m not sure how open you are to race change but, I would love the opportunity to speak with you about joining our community.

Pull More So I Can Pad (PMSICP) is a semi-hardcore-but-we-all-have-jobs Mythic Team recruiting for progression for this tier and beyond, with a focus on strong community and self-sufficiency. We have been around since the beginning of Legion and have grown into the guild we are today. Currently, we are 11/12m and progressing on N’Zoth.

Raid Time: Sunday & Monday 8:00 - 11:00 PM EST (Server) Time
Server: Area 52
Faction: Horde

Please reach out to me if you are interested.

(BNET) // (Discord)

Sargnarg#1936 // Sargnarg#0576

Hey there Aluntyra!

Battle Hardened is a PVE guild on the Wyrmrest Accord server. With a close-knit group of friends, we boast a 7/12M mythic raid team and a friendly atmosphere for all. We are all in this guild because we have the same ideals in mind; we want to be able to progress through World of Warcraft successfully, and enjoy our time as we do so.

Wyrmrest Accord is a smaller server in terms of PVE content - it’s an RP server after all. That gives our raiders the small community feel, though our little corner of PVErs is definitely progression-oriented.

Come Shadowlands we’ll be running two separate raid teams, one mythic and one heroic. I’d say you could run an alt with the 2nd heroic team if you wanted, but it’s certainly not mandatory by any means.

Shadowlands Raid Schedule:
Tuesday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Progression ++
Wednesday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Progression ++
Friday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Heroic Progression
Saturday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Heroic Progression

++ Denotes mandatory raid nights for mythic raiders.

We would love for you to consider us! Add me on btag (valannia#1629)!