512 destruction/alt shadow lf guild

Looking for a community that runs mid to high m plus and clears raids weekly. Lock is 512 and about 2400(wasting a lot of time with points trying to get trinket out of av) and just started gearing my spriest but it’ll be ready next week. Volund#1907 is my btag. Let me know if there’s any interest! Thank you for your time

Discord: Flexshock

Dumb Ways to Die is a established guild looking to build a second raid team. We raid Friday/Saturday 8pm-11pm EST. We have multiple Aotcs over the past 5 expansions, and are in need of DPS and healers. IF this interests you please add Kngx#1668 to real id. Guild is 18+, and runs tons of keys, and is very active around the 3pm-12 am time frame…