5/10M Veng Tank LF guild

Hello, my recent guild has stopped raiding and I find my self in a situation that a lot of people are in looking for a new home.

About me:
I was the Raid Lead of my current guild and lead a lot of first time raiders to 8/10M CN and 5/10M SoD unfortunately we hit the recruitment wall. People were suffering from burn out early, and just stopped showing up. In MoP i was in a world 200 guild on Sarg and also raid lead back then as well. I feel I am a pretty competent player, situationally aware, and have good personal accountability.

What I am looking for:
I am looking for a guild that raids 2-3 times at anytime between 7pm-12pm Est (day’s do not matter)

What you can expect from me:
Like i stated above I will always strive to be the best player I can be. I will adapt to a situation, and i am currently working on gearing a mage so I have a DPS class if need be (still a huge WIP) and also working on regearing my R-Shaman Currently 230. I will always be on promptly before raid starts and will give as much notice as I can if I for what ever reason can not make raid.

Warcraft logs:
www. warcraftlogs. com/character/us/area-52/ezkeals]

Bnet- Ezkiel#1824
discord - Ezkeal#2121

Ezkeals, Hey!

We are looking to add in a DH (either Tank or DPS) as we have a main tank who can flex dps. You have a similar story to ours but have a few Officers / and Fantastic Raid Lead to the point we are just on the edge of CE water at current prog week over week and in future tiers plan to lock it in as a 2 day guild.

would enjoy tanking more because we also offer M+ organization / achv runs and more.
My Discord is Oro#6621

Below is our basic info:

Hey, my guild is looking for a tank. We are 5/10M and raid Mon/Wed 630-930pm pacific. I linked our post or hit me up for more info. Igy#6557 discord and Igy#1769 bnet

still seeing what is out there

Hello Ezkeals,

We are currently 5/10 Mythic in Sanctum and only raid 2 nights a week

Current Needs

SPriest/Disc or holy off spec (high priority)
Resto Shaman
Fury Warrior

All DPS will be strongly considered as we are a performance based guild.

Raid Times are as follows:
Sunday 9:00 PM - Midnight EST
Monday 9:00 PM - Midnight EST

What will be expected of you:

Discord is required, not just for listening purposes but to also communicate with the raid.

Attendance is a must, we understand that real life comes first and are more than happy to make necessary adjustments but a heads up is always appreciated.

Preparedness is another must; we always show up with pots, flask, and food buffs. Most nights Cauldrons and Feasts will be provided, but having the backups just in case is required.

Performance is a no brainer. Although mechanics are important maintaining high DPS and or Healing is extremely important.

Please feel free to add the following Officers to Real ID if you are interested:
Notfalling#1204/Discord – Notfalling#1940
MeatyRhombus#1474/Discord – Kinkii#2781
Ecnahc#1287/Discord – Ecnahcz#9029

We only have 2 nights worth of raiding, although we do Mythic+'s throughout the week as well off night Heroic runs once progressing in mythic(when attendance permits on Wednesdays), we expect the best out of our players especially Sunday and Monday. If this seems to be a good fit for you, do not hesitate to reach out to the Officers with any questions. Thank You

still looking!

Hit us up if our times work for you. Would love to chat. We are just starting to push into mythic but have a solid core and are looking to round out our roster.

Repetition has recently transferred to horde on Tichondrius from Alliance on Stormrage. We are looking to bolster our roster for the current and future raid tiers as well as have the ability to change and alter our roster for different boss fights. As a guild we also like to have fun whether that be in M+, PvP or while doing fun guild events. We are very laid back people that like to have fun and be competitive with each other inside and out of a raid setting. We also supply almost everything needed to progress in a raid tier (Cauldrons/food/repairs/vantus runes).

Current and past progression:

12/12 M N’yalotha (CE)
8/10 M CN (Guild took a Hiatus mid tier due to Raid leader becoming a father)
7/10 M SoD

Recruitment Needs for Mythic Progression:

Currently recruiting the following:
Melee : Arms Warrior, Enhancement Shaman, Rogue, Ret Paladin
Ranged: Mage, Warlock, Balance Druid, Shadow Priest, Ele Shaman
Healers: Disc Priest, Mistweaver Monk, Resto Shaman
Tanks: Blood DK, Vengeance, Guardian Druid
Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of classes or specs mentioned.

Raid Times:
Mythic - Tues / Thurs 6PM - 9PM PST
Optional Heroic Sales - Wednesday 6:00PM PST
Optional Heroic Alt Run Sunday or Monday 6:00 PST (changes depending on availability)

Raiders are expected to be ready to go 10 minutes prior to raid time, if you are going to be late, or miss let an officer know. Real life happens but the sooner we know the sooner we can make preperations for a replacement.
During progression of a raid tier, ALL raiders will use flasks, food, and other consumables that are provided by the guild. Runes are optional as they are not provided by the guild.
You are expected to read up / watch multiple videos on the raid tier / current progression boss…
If you need other consumables that are not regularly made, let an officer know and the next time the guild bank is stocked, it will be there.
Constructive feedback about the guild and raiding is always welcomed and expected. Please try not to submit complaints unless accompanied by alternative courses of action. Try to help the guild and each other so that we all succeed.
The guild’s raids and its progression come first. Raiders are expected to attend all raids and strive to improve even if its minuscule. Raiders who are not performing well or slacking in some areas risk losing their raid spot for a period of time.
During progression, mythic raiders are expected to complete at least 4 Mythic +15 keys per week. Let us know if you need help!
BoE’s from guild activities that are NOT a BiS item will be sold to fund the guild bank. Guild members are able to purchase BoE’s for half price from the guild bank

Where to apply:
Complete this short form - h ttps://forms.gle/z8fyqsnXtHeSXiVPA

Guild Goals:
We want to push for CE in the current and future tiers. We were successful in NYA and want to push heavily for success in SoD and beyond. We are improving with each raid tier and strive to keep the momentum and success going!

Feel free to message any of us with any questions -
BNet: Cobble#11787 | Nanaki#1282 | Schoman#1724
Discord: Cobble#1234 | nanaki#4361 | Scoffs#1420

still looking


We are looking for a tank! We are currently 5/10M, and we were 8/10M CN and 11/12M Nyalotha. We raid Tues/Weds 9-1130PM EST.

Would love to talk to you. Reach out to me at
Discord: Sunde#5261
Bnet: Sunde#1384