Couple of old mythic raiding friends looking to continue playing together and push CE.
Currently looking for similar progression guilds with openings for both of us, horde preferred but willing to look at alliance guilds with the right fit. We want to stay with a 2 day raid schedule (no Fridays or Saturdays) and no later than midnight eastern.
I have no problem offspecing balance for bosses like Inerva, but I want to main resto.
We have prior mythic experience, I have been raiding on and off since Vanilla with breaks during MOP, WOD, and BFA due to life and the DK has almost the same experience. DK was our raid leader in CN.
Logs are available and we’d be happy to chat if you think your guild is a good fit.
Hey there! Hope you are doing well! You look like someone that we could really work into our roster. Please message me on Discord! Travatron#5505. I am a recruiter for our 3/10 Mythic guild looking for healers to join our comp. Let me know if you have time to chat