Names John. Recently transferred to horde for a guild that I figured out I won’t have the time to commit too as they raid a lot more than most. So this post might sound familiar from when I was alliance and posting.
So I’m a new druid as of 9.1 and previously have played many other characters. Most notably being my death knight that has 480+ days on /played. I’ve been a hardcore raider most of my carrer raiding 5 days a week 5 hours a night some nights and just getting to old for that now.
I just changed to boomkin less then a week ago. I was a resto druid, and come to terms that every other healer right now is just better sadly. I love doing keys and is even harder to get higher keys. So I figured the right move was to change to venthyr and start working on boomkin as my main spec.
I still have a lot to figure out but getting better each day.
Some of my past raid experience
BC: Clearing all content pre 3.0 clearing sunwell post 3.0
WoTLK: 3 drake sarth, 5 min maygos, ulduar work on 0 light in the darkness before the big nerf. ToGC I received realm first Grand Crusader. ICC clearing 11/12 with 5% buff
Cata: Big thing was Heroic Rag pre triangle nerf
Mist: I had to step back from raiding as I was a SHOUTcaster for NESL League of Legends at the time.
Legion: Big thing was CE Xavious
BFA: CE Ghuun, clearing 7 bosses in Ny’alotha
Shadowlands: Played a monk, was 5/10 mythic and then asked to go dps, and they nerfed dps hard and I was benched. So took a break till 9.1
So my thing, I need EST times and I really can’t go past 11PM EST, if it’s one or two pulls after understandable.
Let’s talk, and figure this out. I wanna take my time and find the right home.
Hey John, I’d like to chat with you about our guild, and see if we might be a good fit for you.
4/10M, 26% wipe on Soulrender, aiming for CE this tier on a 2-night scheduled (Tues/Thurs 8pm to 11pm EST).
I’ll link the spam, and if you’re interested, you can reach me on discord:
We are an Alliance mythic raiding guild on Sargeras. We are currently 10/10H and 4/10M raiding on Tuesday and Wednesday from 7-10CST (8-11EST). We finished last tier 9/10M and are pushing this tier for CE.
We are a group with ex hardcore raiders just like yourself who can no longer put in 3-4x a week. I think we would be a good fit for you.
We are in a need of a solid DPS to join our core raiding team. Let me know if you are interested you can find me on discord at cabosetv#0275 or bnet at cabose#1677
Hello John! Our guild is looking to add to our roster. Here’s our info.
Guild Name: Cant Find A Guild
Server: US–Illidan
Faction: Horde
Progress: 3/10 M - 10/10 H
Times: Wednesday & Thursday 8:00PM – 11:00PM EST
About Us:
We’re a semi-casual guild looking to push as far as possible in mythic difficulty. We have a really chill and fun raid environment, and still manage to maintain focus during progression. Aside from raiding, we also run mythic+ with guildies, some players aim for high IO scores while others just grind keys for vault choices. We believe in growing together as a team, so we put time into making sure every player has the resources to excel in their role.
Although we are a semi-casual guild. We still want to progress as far as possible and in order to do so we have a few things we expect from our players.
Be open to playing all specs for your class (this is mostly for classes with multiple DPS/Healer specs)
Our roster is 25+ players so be okay with being on the bench (everyone will get the kills eventually, we just need to account for absences or a better comp)
Loot belongs to the guild and not the individual. We use loot council for tradeable loot. (We don’t want players that play for loot)
Cooperate with guildies. This is mostly for helping yourself and other improve, especially if playing the same class.
Chads on Top was a mid patch formed guild that completed AOTC in CN. We’re looking to complete AOTC in 9.1 as well as push mythic raiding. Raiding on Tues/Wed 830PM EST - 11PM. We’re Horde on Bleeding hollow.
We are currently 9/10H And 1/10M with 30% pulls on M Eye.
We’re a laid back raid environment as long as we’re downing content.
Hello John! Our guild is looking to add to our roster. Here’s our info.
Guild Name: Zero Deaths
Server: US–Sareras
Faction: Alliance
Progress: 3/10 M - 10/10 H
Times: Wednesday & Thursday 8:30PM – 11:30PM EST
About Us:
We are a semi-hardcore raid team, two day a week Mythic raiding guild. Our goal is CE in each patch in a reasonable time. When we are not raiding, we are pushing keys the rest of the week, doing PVP RBGs & Arena and just hanging out.
We also have a rotating roster, aim to have a 25 man roster and we rotate all of our players by each week. each player will find they have a day off about once a month and to keep our team fresh and fair so all of our roster gets to be in for mythic.
Although we are a semi-Hardcore guild. We still have a common goal of CE and in order to do so we have a few things we expect from our players.
Do a weekly 15 for vault (Guild will help with this)
Keep Charter up to date (renown, gear, and raid knowledge)
Good and consistent raid performance
Any BOE’s that drop are given to the guild so we can fund all of your raid needs (pots, food, flask, etc…)
Blarg Squad is on Illidan and looking to enjoy mythic progression, with players who come prepared to execute and have a good time. We are looking for teammates, people who want to be part of a thriving and active team that builds relationships together - not a show up for a raid-logging environment. Guild Leadership has raid experience from Vanilla through current, including past server firsts, with the goal to achieve CE in a timely manner.
Play the class you enjoy and the spec you enjoy. We expect you will put in the time to complete content, mythic plus, and weekly requirements for your SL Covenant. For raid, put in the effort to know the fights and mechanics and own up to your errors and work on them. It’s progression for a reason after all. Understand as well, our RL will put the best in for progression, period.
The guild provides cauldrons and feasts at raids, however, we expect you to bring health and mana pots, dps pots, oils, your extra flask if you are not alchemy, and armor kits.