506 Arms/501 Prot

Just returned to the game last month. Looking for a team for Mythic+ and raids. Anything with a potential for ilvl upgrades, even if it’s from the vault. While I prefer guilds that have people online to do things most of the day, not just during raid times, I understand that people have lives and don’t have the same availability as I do.
I’m still learning the dungeons and raids for this xpac. Which mobs cleave, boss timers and warnings, etc. I would describe my play as above average ability, but nothing to brag about.
I’ve done pretty much every quest in dragonflight aside from the raid skips, still working on those.
I’m retired, alot of playtime, so get bored easily. I’m even up for slumming regular dungeons to help level alts if specifically asked.
I don’t mind a casual atmosphere, chatter is fine in raids or pushing keys…until the pull timer starts, then it should be all business and professionalism.