5000 in queue... stolen money?

Here’s a wild solution.

Don’t roll on fewer and fewer servers each year while going to only one faction in the process. Server access right now is no different from traffic issues around a major metropolitan because you just had to live in that high rise.

Bears do NOT beat Battlestar Galactica! :rofl:

Nice maths, big guy.

Xfer off the server? you chose to play on a mega server you know the deal

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I haven’t read every reply but surely someone has told you you can create a character on another realm right?

Technically speaking you have access. You just don’t have the access you want. I’m sorry that’s happening to you, but hardly worth getting upset over.

And yes, terms of service do talk about availability in up times so you don’t even have an argument. Scratch the itch on another server or ride it out


I read what the op wrote while listening to the song the sound of silence.

Thats a piss poor excuse for bad customer service, sir.

“Make a new character” … what…

I wasn’t excusing bad customer service I was arguing against a refund and the grounds with which he was making his argument.

I fall into the camp of let them have their server transfers because other than that there’s not much they can do that would be financially realistic or financially practical

Where did I tell anyone how to feel?

Your logic is so flawed on so many levels. Did someone force you to create a character on a full server? Just because you don’t read the fine print, or comprehend what I’m saying, doesn’t mean you should resort to name calling. It really shows your maturity level.


Guess you gotta play early or not at prime time?

i’ve been getting 120 ques everytime i try to log back in lol

but…but I have a job and a family to support…but i still want to play wow with my brother and friends. =(


Where? I’ll wait.

Again, name calling.

I’ve contributed quite a bit to this conversation in skimming the end user agreement and providing information which people had requested.

Then, for some strange reason, you decide to be sly and use name calling directed at me because you’re incapable of comprehending what I’m saying. It’s actually quite funny.

I understand the being upset, but resorting to insults only shows you lack any semblance of being an adult.


Enlighten me on where:

I’ve told people how to feel.

Where I’ve said, “tough crap.”

Or even been remotely rude to anyone? Go ahead, it’s my day off. I’ve got all night and will wait for you to show me.

You seem to be making strong accusations intermixed with a lot of name calling. I’ve been nothing but civil.

lol … wow.


the service IS accessible.

your issue, is that you want to play on a realm which is currently overcrowded.

before the term “Karen” was coined, we used to wait 6 to 8 hours in queue.


You OBVIOSULY dont care about the que and frustrations, when you throw the legal ToS out… lmfao.

Dont back peddle out of your “tough crap” reply now. It’s easily gathered.

Civil, Politically correct, and so on, legit dont get you ahead in life on a game forum.

If your a douch3, then youre a douch3, woudl you have rather me called you a more civil name? Like, cold hearted?

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And …

So I skim the TOS to provide a response and suddenly I’m trolling, telling people how to feel, and am an assortment of vulgar names? Interesting. Definitely a new one to me.

Keep in mind, the quotes above weren’t even directed toward me either.

Backpedal? I’m still waiting for you to show me where I said “tough crap.”

Actually, you’ll be the one more likely than not getting a forum vacation. So whatever verbiage you opt to use matters very little to me in the grand scheme of things. :man_shrugging:t2:

So youre saying… because others waited 8 hours in the past, people should just “get over it” ?

But you didnt post a reply that stated the question at hand though. You copy and pasted language that legit said if they arent able to service, you can ask for a refund? Did you read your own post?

6-8h? are you talking about WoD launch or vanilla?