50 min of Q times - no games played

Well, when ya got multiple Q’s going they tend to pop quickly one after the other. Works that way in PVE and in BGs when I’ve done it, so I figure it works that way with this stuff too.

Sitting around bored looking at trade chat waiting on a Q is no fun, with random/epic bgs going while you wait, ur at least pvpin, which is kinda the fun thing, number or no, win or lose.

Uhdk doing more rot DMG than aff lock was not ok.

It would be nice to not chill in queue for 20+ minutes. If I wanted to do other things I would simply do them.

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It’s only gonna get worse.

3/4 teams actively qn at 2.2 currently.

Pvp in general is a mess and devs are clueless as how to fix it.

Uuugh maan

What a downer.

I was hoping delves would solve this

I honestly believe that rating decay is going to become a thing to force qs in the next 1-2 seasons.

How does that make people queue? Just wait until mid-late to push.

Imagine being such a nerd with no self control that you had to ask daddy blizz to delete your account yet you still find ways to engage :joy:

Can’t sit rating and have to maintain it.

Whether it’s alts or mains if you want to keep your cr you would have to q.

Maybe tie the ability to upgrade gear to different levels of Cr.

Okay, so, the optimal thing now in terms of efficiency is push 1600-2100ish early-mid season while capping and then finish gearing and figure out comp and push later

This would continue to be the thing later unless they shifted inflation to be more frontloaded

“they’d make it so you decay out of 1600”


All depends on how fast Cr decays.

If they do it right you’d have to q a few hours a week to maintain Cr.

Making it more of a chore to regain cr later on to just make season end pushing.

That’s how it used to be, and honestly all that did was benefit the higher rated players… not really motivation. The way it is now is a good balance for new players and high rated players.

I don’t remember it ever being like that in wotlk, cat, mop…

Can’t name a single xpac with rating decay.

I’ve been playing since vanilla

I was talking about gear upgrades, but rating decay existed, as well… if you want to discuss both.

I just played like 3 or 4 lobbies where my CR changed 0

Just sat for 40 mins and then logged
I was in the shuffle and blitz queues lol

I had the idea above to also Q for randoms/epic BGs. Perhaps next time try adding a random/epic BG to the Q list. So ur Q’d for SS/Blizz/randoms at the same time.

Ur time in Q for the others should still put you at the top when you get out of the randoms, which usually pop quickly.

That way u pvp while you wait to pvp.

Kinda win-win.

Anyway, maybe an answer to teh long q’s?

It’s almost like nobody wants to heal RSS, I wonder why.

It’s probably a great experience with really fun people who have great social skills!

no joke

I was in a lobby with an UH today who kept saying “damn I had it I was about to kill it just 3 sec”, then we lose and he’s like"another game thrown it was won their healer was dead"

it’s like they were the only person playing in that lobby and only they could create pressure, every loss was someone else’s fault

at least I’m getting good at saying nothing when I have nothing good to say

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I think we hear what you’re saying and that’s fine sometimes if you need honor for sockets and such, but no one wants to hear “you’re not getting rated queues because of queue times? queue non-rated just for fun!”

It’s not that it’s a terrible idea… it’s just that there’s no point to it because there’s no rating tied to it. Some people log on with limited amounts of time and want to put that time toward gaining rating, not killing undergeared people in normal bgs.

Not to shoot you down or anything, just offering some perspective since it’s the 2nd time you brought it up.