I mean I’d swap to my “main” if forums would let me bro, but it wont
Don’t need to - he came in here immediately acting like a douche and we could already see his DF xp but none of his characters linked to that xp… so his acct is either hidden for no reason other than him to sit here and troll forums obviously, or hes been perma banned… at a time when a lottttttt of scripters be gettin banned.
How am I to know which? All we know is that he’s been in here acting like a child.
Does the DH learn to read today
Yet you still have 2 characters linked on the account you’re on now… lol… stop it your trolling isn’t even glad level son
They’re different accounts brother, what do you mean? They aren’t on the same Bnet as the original, that’s what the email tells you. Read it.
I have multiple characters on this account.
Damn aduka. Just let this guy flex his glad chieves so he feels better about his life.
I would let him flex them if he could link them to an actual character
Naw naw you gotta click his link.
Did I flex my titles, or did other people do it for me
Oh I’m sorry… the 2 other people you messaged on the side to come in here quick and suck your toes? Naw
Ah yes my mistake. Always forget the amount of circle jerking y’all partake in. Gotta know, is the game limp biscuit fun?
when bolt texts for backup on the forums we jump what can i say
Of course you guys do
You didn’t post it in braille.
Im still level 70 apparently and the forums has a seizure whenever I try to swap to my evoker or mage.
Oh sweet, I e never met a real lackey before. Does he pay you to do this in carries or straight gold?
Neither, he’s a gladiator so I have to.
Oh current season glad? Or is it from a different xpack with different balance and MMR?
I hope it’s current because the other means nothing my brotha
u are 1-2 in 2s
0-2 in 3s
why are u speaking
Looks like I hit a nerve
Yeah, Aldane. Why are you speaking on a toon that you obviously don’t main currently? Oh wait.