50% death strike nerf in pvp

Well boys looks like we just got knee capped

What y’all rolling for pvp now?


Nerfed by 25% from the top end, 50% nerf still applies at the bottom end


Player vs. Player

  • Tank Specializations

    • Tank specialization player characters now take an additional 50% damage from enemy players (was 40%).
  • Death Knight

    • Unholy, Frost

      • Death Strike now heals for 20% of damage taken when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 40%).

      • Death Strike now heals for a minimum of 5% of maximum health when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 10%).

    • Blood

      • Death Strike now heals for 12.5% of damage taken when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 25%).

      • Death Strike now heals for a minimum of 3.5% of maximum health when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 7%).

It’s bizarre to me that they keep nerfing us.

Patch notes are strangely silent on DHes, who are S-tier in just about everything,.


I find it strange that they are nerfing us like this with Shadowlands coming out later this year and yet haven’t touched the DH class basically since Legion if I know correctly. They can do everything the DK’s can but MUCH better since they have no issue on the mobility front and now outbeat us for self healing as well


DKs were nerfed within a week of release by Blizzard and DHs have probably gotten one to two rounds of nerfs in almost 4 years. It’s mind boggling how they will nerf dk self healing but do nothing to dh leech which they don’t have to sacrifice anything for.


Yeah I hate to say it but Blizzard has no idea how dk works. Nerfing dk self healing like this would be like taking away prot warriors ability to block with a shield. It’s how the spec functions, we take loads more damage damage than other tanks, yet heal it back if we manage resources well. Now we’ll just take loads more damage than other tanks, and do far worse self healing than other tanks. Good job Blizz!


For my money, it’s not just this.

They made us slow in Legion.

Got rid of artifact weapons and didn’t replace any of the stuff they took out to make the artifact weapons and jacked up the talent trees.

They nerfed Bone Shield from a damage absorption (all damage) to merely an armor buff (physical damage only).

They took away our passive armor buff at the beginning of BfA. Passive armor was supposed to help compensate for lack of shields.

They nerfed Bonestorm healing.

When 8.3 hit, they nerfed Mark of Blood. Did anyone even use it?

Now they nerf Death Strike, not only for Frost/UH who are good in PvP. But they nerfed Blood in PvP. Why? Does anyone play Blood competitively in PvP? (BTW, they made Blood take more damage in PvP.)

Who is it at Blizz who thinks that DKs need to keep getting nerfed constantly?


Someone on a DH that got merced by a dk.


Yea f this…

They really think it’s been 50% off this whole time?

Bunch of morons


Death strike did need a slight nerf but it should have read 20-25% less healing, 50% is absurd. Any melee comp will annihilate us before dampening even hits. I honestly think this removes frost from being viable, it will have to take defensive talents and frost relies on stacking powerful offensive talents and traits. DK’s could literally not be viable come Tuesday.


enhancement shaman has been lonely, misery loves company


Oof those are some heavy healing nerfs. Did guardian druids get their sustain butchered too? Cause that is the real issue…


This is just absurd. 50%?!

Especially considering DHs.


Especially considering a destro lock ends games with more effective healing than DK’s and it’s entirely passive, doesn’t cost a global, not a resource. They’re obviously wanting to hit self heals and mitigation. Why they nerfed Demon Armor and didn’t touch Soul Leach or DH leach is beyond me.:man_shrugging:t2::persevere:


the funny thing is the DH forum think they don’t need any nerfs.


Their self healing needs to be reduced and blade dance needs it’s immunity removed.

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DH players are always like that, its what happens when blizzard have a favorite class and give then all the toys

they in fact think they are just a bit above mid average, like i saw in the main thread of the changes


I’m not sure I understand these changes? They said they wanted death knights to feel and play like juggernauts that destroy anything they can get a hold of, but then they destroy our self healing while keeping everything else the same? Mind blown.


Mmmmmm i love dem dk tears. Tasty. We got left untouched. Bow down to your god

I just like how they had to double the death strike healing so we didn’t get steam rolled and buff necro strike

Then they re nerfed necro strike

Then renerfed death strike

It didn’t work once why do they think it’ll work again


Blizzard lies. A lot. It’s best to take everything they say their goal is with a mountain of salt.