50% Damage Reduction to PvP is Horrendous

Some classes needed to be addressed sure like mages and shamans, but you cannot implement a blanket 50% damage reduction across the board to every class and call that a good change. That is lazy design. That is a terrible change. PvP feels awful now.

Keep in mind this is sub-max level PvP.
At no point in time was WoW’s PvP balanced around the “leveling stage” of the game.
60 PvP will be even worse now because of this change.

PvP for the most part felt fine and now it’s ruined because of a loud annoying minority that cries about PvP whenever it happens.

Incursions were a terrible addition, free transfers from PvP realms is an abysmal decision, and this change is even worse.
I’m starting to think SoD devs are losing track of what made Vanilla enjoyable phase by phase.

Vanilla PvP is supposed to be bursty. That’s what makes it fun. what the hell were you thinking?


Well people solo queuing with no healer in greens from last phase in their PvE spec were complaining in the masses about the burst so they went with this for a few days ¯_(ツ)_/¯


You do know that this is a seasonal game right? It is not meant to last forever. What you consider fun is not so much fun to others. If they have the vocal majority and it makes sense, they are gonna get their way. No, vanillia was not meant to be so bursty 1-2 shotting people. It was never like this. Blizz devs are just trying stuff out. Welcome to the show test subjects. Please take your seat and strap in for a ride. If it has ruined it for you that much then take the free transfer and be done or go back to retail. If the change is too much and you are unable to adapt and overcome…

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I think it just needs tweaked to 40% and 10% reduction in self heals. - see how that feels then

All I am hoping with is, the revert it at the end of the weekend like they said. And keep it reverted.


It doesn’t make sense. The PvP was fine

No, no it really wasn’t. Was it supposed to be bursty? Yep. Just not as bursty as it was. This is a season of discovery but for who? More than likely this sod is a test and we are the lab rats for the future. They are trying to see what works and what doesn’t. We are the guinea pigs-test subjects. The damage -healing thing will be worked out in a few days. Probably tuesday.

10000000% agree


They have already indicated that our SoD characters will have permanent homes after the season.

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Dont worry no way its staying. Devs have no clue what they are doing.

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50% damage reduction is far too much, and healing needs to be nerfed to match. 20-30% would be more ideal.

Nerfing damage so significantly but not touching healing output really brings into question the competence of the developers.

This is a seasonal game though. This is max level for the phase, and if anything they should have been tweaking this kind of thing since phase one, so when we reach 60, it’s more balanced and not just totally broken. Ideally with an iterative approach, that isn’t hamfisted and making enormous changes.

Looking at how the devs tweak the game though, it does sometimes feel as though they lack basic math skills, which are necessary to understand how their changes will impact the game, while also lacking basic reasoning abilities, to come to logical conclusions.

It’s not like they seem to be trying to create an ever-changing meta through sweeping changes either, which definitely keeps games interesting and fresh, and was no doubt a large part of the success of the originals.


Ruined BGs and world pvp. My BiS raid gear means nothing i have to use consumes to hope to kill someone now. SOD is just retail now. GG blizz u ruined a good thing again for all the casuals who picked a pvp server who hate getting killed.


I agree it was far to bursty but bursty is better than not killing anyone


They did say this was only for 4 days to try it out.

But yeah, I don’t know how they went “50%” and thought it would be anything other than bad.
I was expecting 20%, maybe 30%, but 50% is just mind boggling.


Say it aint so!

My self heals make me near invincible in 1v1s. I think I have only lost to enhance sham this weekend. The mana battle of course.

Totally agree. This change feels bad. The burst meta is better.

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Supposedly it’s just temporary, but I agree, it was a weird attempt at a solution. My terribly geared priest is all of sudden godly. Why not just add resilience to the pvp gear and let us work for that if we want? Blizz is ran by dipsh*ts now unfortunately.

Incursions are great… They get 200 people to report you for trolling when you are simply questing in the zone… Literally doing what the quest log tells you. Because you don’t want to run it with 200 other people like a mindless drone give, you get a bad behavior violation and warning that you could be banned for that behavior… Great design with incursions…promoting botting… That thing that’s supposed to be a no no…

The one shot meta needed to be addressed, and thats it.

Instead, Blizz took the lazy approach as usual and make this more and more like retail PvP.

We dont want people getting one shot, but we also want fast paced PvP and not focusin on one targrt who doesn’t die 3 mins after three dps have been tryin to kill him.

Some specs is way too strong with tjis change, like Shamans. I played a few BGs today and Shamans are literally unkillable.

If the Horde has more than 4 Shamans, the Arathi is pretty much unwinnable and Alliance is getting slaugjtered left and right.