50% damage reduction just turn SOD to retail

Blizzard need to really consider about the damage reduction and damage calculation from SOD. simply add or reduce percentage of damage taken is not fixing the game, is ruining the game/ this made the healer super hard to be killed and the battleground is simply which side has more healer. current situation is all rune is so powerful in pvp, need reconsider the rune damage from PVP angle. simply reduce damage taken is lazy and brainless. this is the the right way to keep the game healthy. if you want balance then take more effort instead of simply change.


(the post above was deleted by author)


Nerfing runes is a slippery slope because you risk changing builds and playstyles completely depending on which runes are left unnerfed and end up creating a new meta. Flat dmg reduction has been a good experiment for the game but 50% is definitely too high.

it really hasn’t though, it’s been done before and failed before by them, so why would it change this time around? it’s evidence of laziness or an inability to think things through and work it out before pushing live

I don’t think this change turn sod into retail, it kind of turn it into classic were u had to use mana burn untill you in nax or rank 14 gear.

Ah yes, so just don’t play until Rank 14 gear is available. Yeah, I’ve been feeling that since this phase first dropped.

Inc dead game.

Or how many Shamans do the Horde side has, as Shamans is literally dealing so much damage while its self heal just makes it super hard to kill now.


About every game has at least 4-5 Shamans and its an instant loss. The rare game with just one Shaman are actually good games and have even won a few.

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Shamans just have been straight up OP in PvP for 2 phases now, and it is only getting better and better.

Is it that all Blizz devs play Shamans or sth cuz they dont seem to realize it or trying to seriously resolve the issues.

Bring rune abilities in line with classic abilities.
Not impossible for a competent team…

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