50 Characters per server, but only 1 DH?

What is game breaking to have more then 1 DH on a server, but not game breaking that I could theoretically have 50 dks on said server?

Sure, and I have 4 of each class and every spec covered. But I saw that as an opportunity to play Horde and Alliance, PvE and (formerly) PvP so that they were all different experiences.

I’m not telling anybody what they should enjoy. I guess I just “get” (and indeed suffer from) most of the more outlandish appeals in the game like wanting to have one of everything and see everything and do everything, but I don’t get wanting to do essentially the same thing multiple times.

It’s unlimited free level 100 boosts. For people who gold farm that is a huge gift.

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Cool! I def do not lol.

Yeah, this also helps differentiate the experience.

I understand that :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah hadn’t really thought about that – the insta-98 vs insta-55 is pretty dramatic. I just leveled a darkiron and 55-98 took me about 23 hours /played.

I wonder how many people will do the lower-cost boost by server-transfer of a bunch of dh’s?

This is what counts as community engagement these days? This post adds nothing to the thread.

No, I take that back, it does add something to the thread. It ‘subtlely’ mocks demon hunters and your own dev’s design of the class. Don’t like the DH shouting? Can you please try to change it? I hate seeing GMs who don’t take the game seriously. Stop imitating Riot’s disdain for their playerbase. You’re not cool, you’re making gaming look bad.

That would likely be reported.

To a nosy, fragile person, if said out loud it could sound like the term for a female dog.

Why is the limit being removed for number of characters per realm, but other limits remain, like no more than 50 toons per account?

Probably won’t have the DH cap lifted until 9.0

My guild wanted to change their name and that’s what I suggested. They went with this name tho. =/

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