50 - 60 Threads of Fate or Campaign faster?

Threads of Fate gives 4 Renown, so I guess the better question is:

Is Threads of Fate faster or is Campaign + grind 4 Renown faster?

I am aware that you are supposed to switch to Threads of Fate right before 60 if you do Campaign, also. Has anyone tested or is there any proof for which way is more efficient?

On Speedrun . com someone did Campaign 50 to 60 in ~6 hours, so that’s pretty fast, but I don’t know if I could do that.

The story is dire and on rails (though the side quests are not much better). If you can tank/heal, go TOF and spam dungeons.

Not much difference in time taken to 60 between the two. I’d go with threads for flexibility and the rank 5 renown.

I tried threads of fate, I did not like it at all so now my future alts will just go through the story line instead


Campaign is said to be faster than tof unless you spam dungeons.

From what i hear though is once you ding 60 you are required to finish the campaign.

So imo go campaign till almost 60 and then switch to tof.

I have 7 level 60’s now and have decided that, for me, the Threads of Fate is quicker and better. I get more enjoyment out of it and don’t find it to be such a grind. You have access to the WQs at the start so you have an early advantage with the anima for your covenant when you get to 60. Each day, I would check the WQs first to see what I could do for xp, anima, and possibly upgrades.

edit And I rarely finish the final zone so I only get the 3 Renown for mine.


Threads is probably faster if you’re a tank/healer due to dungeon spam. DPS is probably fine as well but you should do the open world missions while in queue.

After leveling 7 toons thus far to 60, 3 in Campaign and 4 on TOF, i’ve decided that TOF is actually faster.

I do all side quests + bonus quests and dont TOUCH the WQ’s, for a specific reason, typically i want to start right away on the covenant campaign after i hit 60, and leaving the WQ’s available to me for the callings and potential renown rank ups saves me some time. Usually the same day i hit 60, i can have renown up to about 12ish by doing this. The whole purpose for THAT is solely for the covenant gear, and the raid finder weapon token at the end of the campaign.

But seriously, the timeframe is SO close if your goal is just to get to 60, that its almost indiscernable between TOF and campaign.

P.S. This is by starting TOF directly at escaping the maw at level 50.

I would suggest going to story mode, just strictly do the story quests, not side quests until about 57 or 58, then switch out to ToF.

Threads and queue for dungeons on top of that, imo.

I’ve done both a few times and ToF feels much faster and also more bearable than the story. Plus by the end you will have better completion of the SL zones with fewer random quest markers all over your map.

ToF, if nothing else the freedom to do what you want is the winner for me.

The main story campaigns are fun the 1st or 2nd times, but I really enjoyed Threads of Faye on my DH. It was just as fast as the main story, or faster.

First: They fixed that. You can be level 60 and enter Thread of Fate to not have to do the rest of the campaign story.

Second: It is definitely faster to do the story from 50-60 unless you are a tank or healer who is okay with literally just grinding dungeons relentlessly. Even then it’s not much faster to go that route.

I always do story, at least partially, first because it gears you up pretty nicely pretty quickly.

I have leveled 3 alts so far.
take threads, accept all 4 covenant quests, spam dungeons and do world quests. If you maintain your completion bars evenly until 58-59 you can finish them off with world quests and get 59 done in basically one mass turn in.
each alt took about a weekend of playtime.
Thanks snow!

Do you really want to do the leveling campaign all over again? Threads of fate lets you just do sidequests, WQ, dungeons, etc. instead of doing the campaign again.

Good to know.