5 Players LF Heroic Guild

We are searching for an Alliance Heroic raiding guild with times between 9:00pm ST - 1:00am ST. (Available Wed/Thurs/Sun/Mon) Bold preferred

We are a mythic+ team that are looking to raid come 8.3. We have plenty of previous raiding history before BFA but our focus was on M+ come BFA due to Real Life and a guild break down.

Current Mains:
440+ Prot Pally 68 Neck (DH Tank Alt)
440+ Disc Priest 65 Neck (Druid alt)
435+ Boom Druid 65+ Neck
435+ Warrior 65+ Neck (Holy Priest Alt)
435+ Mage/DH(Player not selected main to raid with yet) 65+ Neck

Please contact me here or on one of the following:
Battlenet: Kerkem#1401 // Discord Kerkem#3150


Bit of a long shot but I’ll put it out there.

  1. we are horde and on barth,
  2. we start our raids at 8.30 aest
  3. We are only currently looking for fps.

But if this could work, our guild could take all 5 if it interest you.

We are mainly focused on aotc and have a larger roster but we do move into mythic once aotc is on farm. Currently 3/8 mythic we are looking for a few dps to just round the team off.

Sunday/Monday 8.30-11pm


I know you said ally, but may i present you a counter offer and switch to horde were you can rightly following the dark lady,
Guild recruitment post below as follows

Something Offensive
OCE - H - Barthilas

We are looking for all players to expand our Ranks.
We believe it’s not how you play the game, but rather who you play it with…
Looking for all active players to add to our family, and build a community.

Mythic raid
Raid time : Mon/Thurs 6.30-9.00pm server

Heroic raid (optional)
Full clear
Wednesday 6:30 pm sever time

If you are looking to join our core raiding ranks note that the 20 slots are not reserved, they are for the players that prove themselvs not just by being good mechanically and having decent logs, but consistantly showing up, not being late and having a good attitude when things get tough.
Not one players spot is guaranteed and is always continually earned by merits.

However we do full clears of heroic everyweek wednesday (time is flexible) with lower guildies for gear, ap and just a bit of fun and banter.

Eventually If we get the numbers, we may even look into a second mythic raiding team
Also achievement, mount and transmog runs are done by some of us on weekends for those collectors/completists.

Most of us do keys almost every night of all ranges, starting at those that just want there weekly chest done for the loot and for those elite that want to push there I.o even higher and beyond we can help with that.

Pvp is something we are currently looking to expand on, no matter if your a sylvanis loyalist or part of the rebellion, we aim to give you a reason to fight once again.
In a game that’s supposedly dying, come create your own content with us
For The Horde!

Contacts :
Our recruitment officer below
usagi#6215 (bnet) or riisa#3859 (discord)


Can message/add me directly on Facebook

im also on discord almost always.
Doraleous (warkeys)#5805
Bnet Boss#1709

Short answer is - Your guild pays for our transfers and we can join.
Otherwise, ALLIANCE all the way baby!

Still searching.

Praise Sylvannas.

Hey guys added Filbobaggins, when you’re online I wouldn’t mind talking to you about future raiding, getting your heroic out of the way and generally what your goals are and what you’re looking for. I believe we can help one another. Also on your server =)


Hi there, Filbo. Did you find yourself a home yet?

If you’re still looking, [A] Wipe It Up on Saurfang could be your dream. We’re 3/8M and are looking for several new raiders. Check us out on wipeitup dot net!

The main thing is our raid time - it’s Wed-Thu 20:00 to 23:00 Sydney time. If this doesn’t work for you, then probably it’s a deal breaker, otherwise I think we’re exactly what you’re looking for. We currently raid Mythic on Wednesdays and heroic clears on Thursdays, and full disclaimer, we’re aiming to push up to Mythic on both nights. You can see a lot more on our website or you can talk to me directly - Hit me up at Discord on Sky_Paladin#7635 or Bnet Malachiel#1815.

Best of luck finding your new raid home!

Hey Filbobaggins. May not be what youre after but I thought Id throw it out there anyway. We are always looking for more members - especially for raiding and Mythics.

[A - Saurfang] < Cryptic > Active Raiding & PvP guild recruiting more members who are interested in Raiding, FUNgeons (Fun Dungeons for those that dont know), PvP etc.

Socials, casuals and levelers always welcome.

Raid nights are:
Monday (Heroic): 7:30pm - 10:30pm ST.
Wednesday (Mythic): 8:00pm - 10:30pm ST.
(8/8H 3/8M EP)
* Wednesday nights raid currently a co-guild run with another guild to fill numbers.
** To be eligible for Mythic raid, you need to be attending Heroic raid night consistently before being considered for a spot.

Mythic FUNgeons on Friday nights 7:30pm ST onwards.

PvP Madness on Saturday nights 8pm ST onwards.
*Includes: warmode adventures, PvP islands, premade random BGs, Rated BGs, and a lot of drinking.

Find us ingame via /who cryptic or msg me directly on Kaleiya or add me Kaleiah#1394.

Hope you have an awesome day!

Not sure if you have found a home. We may be what you are looking for.

Check us out here: [A] Standard Nerds - Cael/Nag 12/12H Nyalotha (All Previous AOTC) Recruiting HEALS + DPS FOR SHADOWLANDS

TLDR: Alliance AOTC heroic only guild - mon/wed 8-11pm server time. Wed only during farm.