5 o'clock Orb Pet Battles

So I heard you need 3 secret battle pets at level 25 to do the 5 o’clock Orb. What are the 3 strongest pets to get and what team did you use to win the battle? I’d like to not spend more time on this than I need to lol

Pet 1: Nelthara (Need level 70 Evoker, easy to get)
Pet 2: Snowclaw cub (easy to get)
Pet 3: Taptaf or Wicker pup (both easy to get)

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Yes so you can join us on 9 o’clock (which we’ve been on for 2 weeks almost).

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Here ya go!

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You need blue quality pets it makes it easier.

I one shot the battle with blue wicker pup Nelthara and Bumbles.

Nelthara, Spyragosa, Wicker Pup

1 shot the fight without reading any guides or changing out any abilities

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Sweet! Tyvm!

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I suggest looking up the non pet battle sources of pet battle charms and upgrade stones too. If you really know where everything else and what you’re doing you can get this step done in its etireity (All 3 pets levelled and boss beaten) in under 2 hours.

There is a wonderful list on Xu-Fu’s Pet website of all the pets you can use to do this battle. There are also strategies posted there with more being added as people try different combinations.

There are multiple ways to get this done and several of the pets on that list are very easy to obtain. If you have any difficulty with finding them or if you are unfamiliar with how to level pets/use them, etc., hop over to the Pet Battle forum and we’ll help you out.

Very nice people over there.

https ://www.wow-petguide .com/Section/107/Incognitro,_the_Indecipherable_Felcycle

*I’m not allowed to post links as I was away long enough to lose the trust level necessary for that, but just look up Xu-Fu Pet strategies and then from the top of the page, click on “Misc” and then on “Incognitro” to get where you need to be.

Edited to add: I’d recommend getting Taptaf and Terky as each of those takes roughly 5 minutes to obtain.

The Wicker Pup is also incredibly easy to get and takes less than half an hour.

If you have more than a million gold, you can obtain Francois by simply walking by her. If you have the gold or guildies who trust you to give the gold back and can loan it to you, Francois is another “less than five minutes” option. It is actually a really wonderful pet to have (I use that chicken in a lot of pet battle strategies).

You should already have Gizmo the Pure, having gone through the Detective chain.

You can definitely get this done without spending a lot of time on finding the pets.

I brute forced mine with baal, nelthara, and the snowclaw cub.

always happy to help

Nelthara is the key, it stomps the mechanical pet so easily it leaves a lot of wiggle room on the other 2. As long as the others are able to do a damage type that’s effective or take reduced damage from the enemy that’s all it really needs

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