5 Members with 5/10M exp looking for guild

Hello! 5 very close friends are looking to get out of Alliance and faction change to Horde and find a semi-hardcore / casualish raiding guild! We have 5/10M exp and a few of us have KSM as well. We are ideally looking for a 2 - 3 night raiding guild.

Three of us are healers, and two are DPS, but we’re very flexible and can play other roles if needed, we are:
222 Disc Priest (can go holy or shadow if needed)
223 RSham (can go ele if needed)
220 MW Monk
223 Warr DPS
217 Boomkin OR Mage (plays both)

That being said, if the guild doesn’t need three healers, one of the healers can go tank, or another healer (me) can go shadow for DPS.

Message me on bnet (Pin#1157) or my discord (Pinatt#5462) to talk about it!!

[H] <Murda> Looking for more! Raids Sat 9pm-12am EST one two

Keeping this active :slight_smile:

Bumping to try and find a guild :smiley:

10/10N 10/10 H 1/10M

About Us
We are a group of friends that have all raided with one another in the past, and we are all tired of the “guild hopping” scene. So we decided to regroup and take charge to create our own raid teams. Most of our members are experienced mythic raiders already with the mindset of lets get in and kill some bosses. We will be approaching raiding with the intent of getting all of the content down. With that being said we understand limitations of players over the long process of tearing down a hard boss and will be trying to keep an optimistic mindset. We will be running two raid teams throughout the expansion. One group will be Heroic only welcoming our alts and used for achievement runs after AOTC the second raid team will be our mythic team focusing on downing some big boys!

-Be mature and respectful to guild mates
-Be on time for scheduled raid nights.
-Come to raid prepared (enchants potions etc)
-Have a willingness to improve ie go over logs with officers etc

Raid Times
Heroic/Achievement/Alt runs: Sunday and Monday 9:30-11:30 EST
Mythic Team: Tuesday Wednesday 8:30-11:30 EST
Note : There will be no requirement to participate in both teams that will be for you to decide.

Recruitment Needs
Seeking Ranged DPS Balance druid Lock Spriest and 1 healer —Mythic

Raiding History
We fully cleared all heroic content in BFA
A lot of us Cleared much of Legion on mythic as well as all of WOD
We met in Mists and have been sticking together since.

We are a group of adults and can be rather NSFW in our joking and fun. We expect anyone interested in coming along to be an adult about things and have an open mind. We do not tolerate hate speech racism or any nonsense like that.

Contact info
Guild Lead Btag Bearzy#11623 Discord Bearzy#7208
Officer’s Discord Korghan#8025 Mattdaemon#1999 Darnak#2213
Recruiting helper Discord Edouken#3714
Reach out to anyone on this list to get more info we look forward to hearing from ya! Also feel free to in game DM anyone in guild to help you find an officer if you cannot reach one!

Hey there! Added you on discord, but just in case, our guild is willing to accept a group of friends to expand our roster and let some people who need a break on the bench to be substitutes.

We raid M/T/Th 6pm EST to 9pm EST.

Btag: Miranda#1885

Hi Pinatt! We aren’t quite in Mythic yet but want to get there eventually. We just need the people. Our guild is constructed from 5-6 close friends as well. Maybe we can build something great together. See post below and add me on discord if interested. Ty.

See our guild details below:

About Us:

-We are an horde based semi-hardcore raiding guild on US-AREA52 that migrated from US-ILLIDAN for Shadowlands. What originally started out as a tight-knit group of CE raiders in Legion for the last bunch of years has quickly expanded and we are looking to add to our family once again. We are currently recruiting dedicated and active players to bolster our raid team in Shadowlands! We are seeking vocal players who want to make an impact in mythic raiding while remaining competitive in the server/NA ranks. Prior experience in mythic raiding is required along with a try-hard attitude. All exceptional players are encouraged to reach out to leadership through Battle.Net (Zedorno#1340) or apply below! Discord is required for membership. No casuals accepted at this time.

  • Website: www.rehab-guild .com


-Takes Initiative.
-Knowledge of your class.
-Consistent attendance.
-Willing to run at least one mythic+15 run per week.
-Research and sim your class.
-Knowledgeable of Progression Boss Mechanics.
-Experience with High-End Mythic Raiding.
-Above average performance.
-Working well with others.

High Demand Mythic DPS Class Openings:

Afflic/Destro Warlock
Elemental Shaman
MM/BM Hunter
Shadow Priest
Balance Druid
Fire/Frost Mage

Raid times:

Tuesday 10-1AM EST/Server
Thursday 10-1AM EST/Server
~Wednesday 10-1AM EST/Server ~We will be raiding 3 nights for the first month after the release of a new tier.


Zedorno#1340 - Battle.net

  • If you don’t see your class and spec listed as needed but you are an exceptional player please feel free to speak with one of us any way! We are always looking to add talent and value.