5 semi-new players with a lot of time, looking for a guild. Currently our levels range from 35 to 56 but that changes daily. Looking for a guild that has a strong raid team, preferably 100 members with a good active member base. We are dedicated players and are interested in serious guilds. Player breakdowns: Survival Hunter, Retribution Paladin, Frost Deathknight, Restoration Druid, and Brewmaster Monk.
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I would be happy to discuss an invitation to Animosity. We are a raiding guild with a long history on the server. While most of our activities are max-level focused, your post makes it sound like you five are powering through the leveling process. We raid on Fridays and Saturdays, and do additional guild sponsored events (usually on Wednesdays). We attempt to earn the Ahead of the Curve (Heroic Raiding) achievement for each raid of an expansion, and have been mostly successful.
You can send me an in-game mail, or add me as a contact on battle.net: Piratejimm#1130
Alternatively, you can reach out to our guild leader, Shiftstain. He is online frequently, and is an easy guy to chat with.