5 ex-hardcore raiders LF guild - Barthilas Horde - GMT+8

Hi guys,

5 of us have just transferred over to Horde Barthilas and are looking for a semi-casual guild to join. We are all ex-hardcore raiders (who got old) but still would love to participate in raids on Saturday nights from around 9pm onwards (GMT+8 HK / Singapore time), as well as have some healthy mythic+ opportunities with our guildies.

As we probably won’t be able to commit to a hardcore progression schedule, we’d most likely look at guilds who have ‘casual’ raid nights to do heroics on alts, etc.

Currently we’re a team of DH tank / Rogue / Mage / Priest (plays all 3 specs) / Resto Druid. We’re all around 370+ ilvl (I’m sitting at 376, 7/8H Uldir - transferred my alt a.k.a. new main - pugging Ghuun wasn’t fun!)

Hope to hear from anyone interested in giving us a new home! :smiley:

Hey mate oath is looking to recruit raiders who genuinely want to raid and can be active on raid nights, currently we’re not able to progress through mythic content but are geared and able we are looking to start the new raid day 1 on heroic is we do, we are 8/8 h 1/8m madenor#1864 for more info we are horde barthilas

Hey Lads,

Hypoxia is a newly-formed progression focused raid guild on the Barthilas server. We are a solid core of former CE players led by 7/8M progressed officers.

We have a shared goal of achieving CE every tier and eventually see ourselves competing for the top spot on the server.

Our raid times will be Wed/Sun/Mon 8pm to 12pm Server Time.

We are currently assembling our team and have positions available for exceptional DPS and Healers.

We also have an extremely active key pushing community and welcome non-raiders to join to be part of it.

If you would be interested in trialing with us or simply want more information, feel free to contact one of our officers for a chat: Oilad#6206 or Walliver#119

Just transferring sucks, as I think we would be a great fit for you

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Thanks for all the replies so far! We’ll definitely discuss and reach out to those that we feel will be a match for both us and yourselves :slight_smile:

Keep it coming!

Hi there Aeriyx.

We are a group of 10-12 mates on Barthilas for many years in various guilds over that time. We decided to come together to form .
Our main raid nights at this stage are Thurs/Mon 830-1130pm ST but we do have fun optional alt runs on Friday and Saturday night’s.
You can find out more info here on our recruitment post

Hope to hear from you, if not, good luck and hope you guys find a steady home.

You guys sound like the perfect fit for our guild.

Mostly Perth based aussies some SG and HK with a few east coasters too.

any luck? im from sg too (also old), also looking to raid and do mythics around the same time lol

Hey guys,

We’re a curve guild which has just paired back from Mythic prog (same thing, got old and have to slow down lol) and we’re just doing Normal/Heroic now with a laid back environment.

We currently raid; Wed/Thurs at 8.45 - 11pm SVT.

If interested, feel free to reach out;

Bnet; MissRenface#1693
Discord; missrenface#8575


We’re a relaxed guild that formed recently and looking to expand our roster. We’re made up of mostly older raiders who used to play at a higher level but family and life no longer allows it.

Currently focused on clearing normal (5/9) before progressing into heroic. We raid one night a week on Thursday from 8-10.30pm Server Time. The rest of the time we hang out in disc, run Mythic Plus and do some PvP.

If you’re looking for a relaxed bunch of people to talk rubbish, joke, gamble with and also kill some bosses then we’d love to have you.

Contact me on BNet or Discord if you want to find out more.

BNet: Aljasco#6812
Discord: Aljasco#3280

Good luck with the search.