Hey there, I just started a guild called Reprieve on Thrall. We raid tues/weds 12am(midnight) to 3am EST and we are looking to start mythic raids. All of our core members are at least 9/9H. Some with some mythic kills already from prior guilds and one who is 9/9M. We may add a 3rd raid night based on the completed teams raiding availability (most likely thurs or fri)
We still need a few more dps to finish our roster to start tackling the mythic raid as a guild but im estimating that we should be around 5 or 6/9M with the average experience that our current core has (majority of the group has at least 6/9M right now).
We are also inviting social and Mythic+ members to add to our activities. I’d like to get an official Mythic+ team going to help gear members to get into raiding and for fun.
If you are interested, feel free to msg me on discord: Nephlim#6908 (preferred) or Bnet: Nephlim#1798 and we can talk some more
Soulstice - Illadan
6/9M Is currently recruiting. All exceptional players intent on making progression through Mythic content are encouraged to apply. Our raid days are T/TH 7-10pm server. Pst for more information.
Hi there we have an immediate spot for a DH please take a look at this big ol’ wall o’ spam and get back to us if you like what you see =)
RoadRunners - 8/8M Uldir - 7/9M BFD
About our Guild:
Roadrunners formed at the start of Wrath and is one of the oldest guilds on kil’jaeden. Raiding on a short schedule(t/w/t 8-11pst), we are able to stay competitive by making effective use of our raid time. Loot is handled fairly with a loot council. We aim for a raiding roster of 25 players who are able to maintain a high level of play and attendance. We are looking for progression minded players who want to raid on a shorter schedule and achieve cutting edge every tier!
Our Raiders:
Roadrunners is full of mature players who love to play WoW. They have a great understanding of the game/class mechanics and are always willing to help new recruits out. Active alts are always encouraged and we even have a few alt raids that run every week. Many of our players are very avid gamers and play other games together outside of raid as well as m+!
About our Server:
Kil’jaeden has been around since Vanilla and has always been a high population server. The server is always busy with an active trade chat and auction house. Pug groups for raids and rbgs are constantly forming.
Apply with Roadrunner-Kil’Jaeden via our guild website https: //rrkj. enjin. com/recruitment
(just remove the space infront of the “.” & “:”)
Trial Expectations:
If you are accepted for trial you are expected to be in guild and ready to raid by the next reset. We provide a guild cauldron and feasts however if you need other stat food that is your responsibility. Trial periods typically last 2-4 weeks, during which you will receive plenty of raid time so that your play can be evaluated. We expect you have a working mic and are able to communicate clearly should something happen during an encounter. Being able to take constructive criticism is a must. We are looking for progression minded players who want to raid on a shorter schedule. Class knowledge and prior raid experience is a huge plus.
If you have any questions about joining our guild, feel free to pop on over to our server and ask. Our guild members and officers are always happy to speak to you. Thank you for taking your time to consider our guild
Color Blind - 6/9M BoD ( 8:30pm - 12am CST, Fri/Sat)
Part of the fantastic community <Seraph> of US-Mal’Ganis, Color Blind does its best not to earn its name every Friday and Saturday with some entertaining, laid back raids that even result in dead bosses!
If this sounds like the team for you, contact ilpad#1438 to chat, or visit SeraphGuild.com to apply!
Seraph of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on server for over nine years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.
With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:
Core raids for each team
Community raids open to all
Legacy & achievement events open to all
M+ Dungeons
Twitch hosting for raiders
Social Media promotion
Active guild discord
Blizzcon meetups
Each of our teams has unique needs and schedules. Please visit SeraphGuild.com to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.
Color Blind - 6/9M BoD, 2/2H CoS (8:30pm - 12am CST, F/S) - ilpad#1438
Hey there! Always looking for a strong second Havoc DH since we have only one at the moment and are lacking on melee moving into 8.2 with Jaina.
Hope to hear from you if you consider us!
Button Mashers (Mal’Ganis-Horde) Currently 8/8M and 8/8H
About BM:
Button Mashers is formed behind the desire to progress at a highly competitive level on a reasonable raid schedule. We try to maintain a tight-knit feel between our members. The large majority of our core raiders have raided since vanilla/BC and most of us have been playing together for a long time. Our raid atmosphere is pretty light and generally really entertaining as long as people are doing what they are suppose to be. At the end of the day we are here to have fun and kill bosses!