Alright! Long post inc.
Let me know if there’s something that I’ve misunderstood.
What was your reason for keeping this mostly as it’s designed for MM, rather than taking it back to what it did for RSV in the past?
Also, apart from it’s damaging elements, what is your intent with it in terms of Focus cost, or more importantly, will it have a cooldown or simply be tied to the secondary resource of “Munitions Arrows”?
And lastly, it can stack? How? As in multiple Shots can be applied to the same enemy at once?
Depending on how powerful the explosion of each charge is, that runs the risk of making it too good in terms of burst.
This certainly sounds interesting. Mostly curious of how you intend for it to distinguish itself from that of Soul Shards as a resource for Warlocks? Based on what you have said about it further down in your post.
Is this intended to be the only way to manually generate “Munition Shots”? If so, it should probably provide more than 1/5th of a charge/shot.
Sure, all good there. Basic spender/dump.
Interesting way to further develop the design around Black Arrow as a concept for the spec. And based on the above, quite a natural one.
Curious though, when you say that it will always generate at least half a charge, does that mean that there can be times where you won’t get more than half a charge of “Munition Shots”?
If so, does it still have a mid-range cooldown? If so, in my mind at least, it should probably generate at least 1 charge, perhaps even more, as a guarantee. Especially since in that case, there wouldn’t be a way to use it for multi-DoT’ing purpose for more damage along with a higher rate of generating “Munition Shot”-charges.
Sounds as if the damage-trigger/interaction with Exploding Shot is a guarantee, depending on the intended cooldown/rate of use for Exploding Shot, along with it’s own damage profile, it’s certainly capable of adding more burst/a way to maintain additional pressure.
Hmm, thematically odd, but alright.
What’s “Blacklick Arrow” ?
Neat idea.
May I recommend that you add the following to it?
Movement quickly puts a strain on the target’s heart causing a rapidly stacking debuff, reducing movement speed by X% for each additional stack. At 10 stacks, the victim is stunned for 5 seconds. Heartstopper Venom lasts for 5 seconds.
The duration of Heartstopper Venom is increased by an additional 5 seconds if the target is affected by Black Arrow.
Changes aren’t necessary. But(IMO) could make for a fun addition.
But yeah, again, nice addition indeed.
Major cooldown I presume.
Is your intent that the 25% increased rate is only in the damage profile of each ability or does it also have an impact on the duration of the periodic damage effects it intends to empower?
IMO, the duration of each effect should remain unchanged despite the above.
Yep, sounds good.
Personal preference: If more Mastery also allowed for a somewhat improved rate of generation for “Munition Shots”.
As a summary of the base toolkit/core…
Is the intent for any abilities that cost “Munition Shot”-charges to have/not have cooldowns? If not, I would love if the rate at which charges were generated either manually or otherwise, was tuned quite high to allow for more fast-paced gameplay.
How come you want this to be a talent rather than a core element of the spec?
Mostly asking due to it’s history with the spec of the past.
Interesting aim of design. A bit hesitant towards how long the buff lasts, considering the above design, and how it seems that “Munition Shots” are somewhat rare.
I guess it needs a bit of testing to figure out^^
Increase how?
Damage? Duration? Increased rate of dealing damage?
I’m listening
Edit: How long does the arrow last for btw?
Seems a bit weak indeed. As always though, testing is required to see how things turn out.
Aww, man!
I would think of this as a perfect way to vastly increase the rate of resource-generation, especially considering the rarity of them from the base toolkit.
Hmm, again, Exploding Shot can stack? How?
I would assign a longer CD to that ability, seeing as it doesn’t cost a charge/charges of “Munition Shots”.
It’s a different take on what a Munitions-styled spec could look like, compared to what RSV originally aimed for. Nothing wrong with that ofc. And other than what I mentioned above, with this specific theme, nothing really.
My personal preference is to bring it back with a design that more closely resembles the core of the old RSV, but that’s just me.
Either way, some very interesting elements mentioned here!