4pc demo bonus seems to not be working

It should be making legion strike actually do more damage than soul strike but not once did it ever in a single hit make legion do any more damage than soul trike.

That’s strange I’m not sure how the game is calculating it, but currently my demon hit normally about 80k id say. At 606 ilvl. Id assume the 4 piece should be calculating that number times by 3.

Or am i wrong here?

Yeah, that’s what I am assuming it should be 3x the damage. It seems like it’s not even working at all.

If it’s isn’t reflecting the damage submit a bug report.

I don’t even think our 4 piece rates anything high when every 4 pieces was being rated in a DPS chart

Think it was like 4% overall.

In all my logs in mythic raid atm, the 4pc is indeed working. You just will never notice it because it’s just that bad.

For example, on my broodtwister kill on mythic this week my felguard had the buff 15 times in 9:40. In total the uptime was 3.65% of the entire fight. So out of 100 legion strikes he only had an empowered legion strike 15% of the time.

It’s a pretty abysmal 4pc, but here’s hoping they do something a bit more nuanced in season 2.


Demo has the worse set this tier. It accounts for less than 2% of your damage.


I’m genuinely convinced the warlock dev is actually a warlock irl and enjoys making us suffer, everything from the class toolkit, talents, balancing and set tiers are designed to cause players max frustration & pain.


Honestly, with the buffs to destruction I’m personally mildly happy with our current placement in class balance.

I still think our fantasy from a movement to tankiness perspective makes no sense anymore, but I guess that’s just something players will fight with the designers forever about.

The class tree is pretty grim from a talent choice standpoint. It’s very cookie-cutter at the mid-to-high-end of play, and there are several ways that newer players will get trapped picking the wrong talents. Maybe a second look at trimming it down a bit to open more options and actually giving us a fun throughput capstone would go a long way.

Overall, I think we’re in a pretty decent spot (maybe hellcaller is a bit underused after the nerfs from beta). Secondly, I also believe that demo reverting back to big Tyrant again with diabolist is a step in the wrong direction (as I said in beta as well). Demo will end up underperforming for the vast majority of players but then overperform when people get it right on almost every single target fight (just like sepulcher where they had to overtune demo to make up for skill cap). Having a high-skill cap is ok, but if it ends up being a high-skill cap spec, I’d rather it be button sequencing instead of piloting my character correctly or praying I don’t get hit with mechanics. The saving grace is that this time, demo is tuned rather low, so doing great tyrant setups is largely irrelevant.

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I’m not the greatest Destro lock, and our prog has been messy as heck, but i oscillate between blue and orange parsing usually. The buffs helped a lot in bringing Destro back up to snuff. I’m just a derp frequently.

I’ve only done Destro since WoD when i came back to the game though, and kinda wish they hadn’t of buffed it lol. I wanted to do something else for once, but after the buffs it was more important to do what I’m used to for prog.

I jest of course.

I’ve been thinking about this recently, wonder why tyrant isn’t capped at a lower threshold. That would reduce ramp requirements and allow them to buff it’s damage accordingly. Also make it instant for the love of… anyway.

Alternatively what if tyrant functioned in a different way? Instead of being a ramp buffer what if it was a capped multiplier? Or straight up zoo?

For example :
Instant cast , open a nether portal that instantly summon a tyrant commander with it’s own army, one vilefiend, 2 dreadstalkers, 3-6 imps.

That way it’s completely detached from any ramping and no longer extends summons, also provides a way to start a fight much faster.

The 2 set is decent in pvp

25% amp to shadowbolt is really solid

I like when you don’t have to chase the 4 piece

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There are a couple of different ways you could try and swing a new version of Tyrant, but I’m unsure of how many people would be happy or disappointed with it losing its identity. Here are what I think to be the two best changes

  1. Make tyrant double any imp spawns you gain while it is up, meaning you would spawn 6 imps per 3 shard hog. This would have some interesting effects with some imp talents in the tree.
  2. Make tyrant an accumulator buff where the more demons you spawn, the more his damage stacks up. Say you summon 50 imps between tyrant spawns (which isn’t unreasonable) then he would be 100% stronger (2% per imp or something).

The capping tyrant recently has already caused a stir, but I think trying to branch out from having current demons empower him would be a bit interesting, considering they want to redo nether portal somehow.

This is an interesting solution, but I personally think it makes it a bit too uninteractive with the rest of the rotation. I do like tyrant being an instant cast (although pvpers would complain).

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Trust me , they’d have to do a lot more than instant tyrant to make demo tournament viable.

Most of the classes are turbo moving at the speed of sound with near instant rotations , if not fully instant while demo is still fully hardcasting with a severely undertuned kit.

Think this is the first expansion i’ve seen demo be undertuned in all endgames since the legion rework.

Its not broken, its just bad :confused: