Current setup, z790, 12,700kcpu, rtx 3080. Water block cooled cpu and gpu. Current monitor is an odyssey g5 1440p 165hz. I’m debating going back to 1080p 240hz with a bit higher quality monitor. Think I’ll be disappointed? I added arena because forums. But y’all are my peeps here
Doesn’t matter for wow at all honestly. You can play on a macbook air and be fine.
Can you tell the difference between 1440p and 1080p ? Is it a huge noticeable difference I mean
I play on a 5kx1.5k monitor thats killing my cpu and on a dying computer made in 2018 running on 20 fps
4k or 1080 doesnt really matter, its just how ya play
I play on an iPhone 7 and I just got back to back r1 today in Plunderstorm
I’m not 100% sure as to whether or not that would necessarily be a meaningful visual upgrade. I play with everything at max settings in 1440p on 165hz monitor and everything looks and runs beautifully [e.g., the game looks as great as I would ever expect it to be able to look]; [e.g., I can’t imagine extra hz making the game feel noticeably smoother].
From what I’ve read, the upgrade from 165hz to 240hz isn’t as noticeable as the jump from 60hz to 144-165hz (which is night and day once you’re used to it), but I can say that after playing in 1440p for quite a long time, I’ve switched back to 1080p (granted also at 165hz), and I can definitely notice the difference.
That being said, 1080p is no doubt the best bang for your buck in terms of getting the best fps possible, so performance wise, maybe there is something there, but I’d imagine that it only applies if you’re competing at the r1-awc level for world of warcraft content.
FPS games are where the extra hz on the monitor really shines, and even then, it’s still really not a big deal if you aren’t competing at a pro (or close to pro) level imo.
Conclusion (just my opinion): 1440p is the best balance between performance and visual awesomeness. The hz difference is likely negligible for world of warcraft content. If performance is your main/only concern, then yeah, go for the 1080p 240hz monitor, but tbh 1440p 165hz monitor is great, and I don’t think buying a 1080p monitor with higher hz is going to do much for you [e.g., your gpu/cpu are good enough that you shouldn’t really be having fps issues outside of the occasional drop in Dornogal while playing in 1440p (I think), and the 1080p is only going to be the better option if worried about fps dropping too low].
Again, this opinion is based on what I’ve read as I’ve never actually used a 240hz monitor, so someone can correct me if they’d like, but at the end of the day I think you’d be sacrificing some visual awesomeness for little-no increase in meaningful performance [e.g., if you’re nowhere close to dropping below 60 fps at any given time with 1440p, I’d stick with the 1440p 165hz, but if you are getting terribly close to hitting sub 60 fps or actually hitting it, then yeah, I’d go back to 1080p]; [e.g., that extra little bit of smoothness that the 240hz offers just seems as if it would be trivial for world of warcraft].
Having said all of this, I know virtually nothing about computers lol. Good luck
Need a 240hz gamer that has played in both 165hz and 240hz to give their take
240hz makes quite a bit of difference for me, but 1080p is 1080p
I use a 32 inch monitor tho, so I notice the pixelation a bit more.
Doesn’t matter but I swapped to 2k a couple of years ago and it looks pretty good.
This explains a lot
2k monitor not bad at all. Can get a nice size one for pretty cheap.
IDK what my computer specs even are, but its 12 years old and works fine!
Worth asking if you’re looking for pure performance or do you care about enjoying what you’re looking at?
I got a good deal on 4K 240hz monitor last year and really enjoy the size. It has the option for me to toggle between 4K and 1080p as well, so it’s cool to test the differences.
Overall you can drive 4K 240 with a 3080 but you need to run pretty custom /turned down settings to get 200+ fps in arena. But 4K with lower settings looks infinitely better than 1080p with high settings.
After having 4K I would probably not go back to 1440p and would absolute not go down to 1080p. It works fine but it looks much to pixelated after trying higher resolution.
No need to change 1440p is fine.