I’ve been getting frustrated at the state of gaming and tripple A developers, hardware manufacturers. Going to vent some of my thoughts
In my view 4K can take a large portion of the blame.
For PC, most people game in 1080p. That is just a fact. Steam Harware Surverys for Apr 2023 says 65% of people are using 1080p for primary monitor.
4k and 1080 are indiscernable for most people, especially at distances people sit when gaming on a television.
The performance and vol memory cost for 4k is very high. File Storage is just stupidly high, and it is totally unsustainable. Even google cannot handle it, as they are considering putting 4k behind a paywall to recoup storage costs (in some countries it already is).
Game studios are incentivized to optimize for 4k since consoles use that target resolution. Sony and other TV manufacturers desperately need 4k games because without that, there is no 4k content for thier dumb products.
Games are by far the biggest producers of 4k content. Network TV does not shoot in 4k. Only some movies have recently started, but not all. You have to go to a specific section of Netflix to find the 4k movie options. I don’t think it will ever be ubiquitous like 1080p is today.
There is also a marketing benefit for stuidos as they can claim their game is capable of the latest and greatest. Stuidos would get skewered if there are any unflattering visual comparisons made of their game (craig from halo infinite anyone?)
Nvidia and AMD were under enormus pressure to create 4k capable cards, and they have done it! What did it cost? Well now mid teir cards are now 800 dollars and people are not going for it. Most PC gamers again, are using 10XX or 16XX Touring series from Nvidia to this day (steam survey). The 1650 is the most popular card according to steam april23.
So why are games costing so much to make, trying to push a level of fidelty and technical complexity that majority of players do not want and cannot hit.
The gap between the most popular cards (1060 / 1650) and the newer enthusiast cards 40XX is insane now.
Its a trap for studios! if you optimize your game for the latest and greatest hardware, it will look great but not many people can play it. On the other hand if you optimize for the low-end, it will age faster, may be out competed, and you cannot market the game by saying it has the latest features (4k, RTX, DLSS)
4k just sucks