4/8M 639 Havoc DH LF Social Casual AOTC Raiding Guild for Season 2

Hello, I’m hoping to find a new guild thats very social and has a very active discord. Looking for guys around my age (33) to make friends with that want to casually raid and do all kind of random content together (mount runs, world pvp, achievements, etc). Raiding is not the most important thing for me, really looking for activities outside of raiding to do with a guild and make friends. If we do raid I’d do one or 2 days a week (4 hours total max) and I’m flexible on the times. Also interested in m+, pvp, and playing some classic, basically down for whatever. Info below for discord and logs. Please feel free to reach out so we can talk, thank you.

Wow logs = Bastall - Sargeras
Discord = Badger6761

Hey there man! If you’re looking for a mid-core raiding team, check us out below. We’re raiding 2 days per week, Wed & Fri morning 6:30am-9am EST (the before work family schedule). We do focus on mythic raiding with CE in the given tier - but host a variety of alt runs, achieve runs, etc. as well

Sorry man thats too early of a raid time for me. I appreciate it though.

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