4/8H 613 VDH LF Guild

Looking for guild on H prog. Also trying to do M+.

Heywire is recruiting an active Hunter, UH/Frost Dk, Fury Warrior and Warlock to complete our heroic raid team. Our goal is to complete heroic this reset and begin prog in mythic after. Raid time is Tue|Thursday 7:30-9:30pm CST time.
We are currently 8/8N and 4/8H with the goal to clear heroic this reset and begin preparing for mythic raiding and progress on the first few bosses.

Again these are the classes we have immediate needs for! These will be core raid slots for the heroic raid team and mythic team.

  • Fury Warrior
  • Resto Sham
  • Outlaw Rogue
  • Ret Paladin

These are our teams secondary needs and these will be slots for our heroic raid team, and they will be able to trial for mythic and we will review logs.

  • Pres Evo
  • Shadow Priest
  • Balance Druid
  • Havoc DH

Thank you for reading Add My Battletag Oenamaous#1333 if you’re interested!

Hey, hows it going? We’re 6/8H looking for a tank for one we lost to RL. We raid Wed/Thurs 6-9pm PST (9pm-midnight EST).

Hit me up if you have any questions. Xiten#1628