488 Unholy DK(w/Leg), 6/9M LF Mythic Prog Raiding Team

Discord - darthnecrotic

Characters Name and Prog
488 Unholy DK - Main
485 Demo Warlock - Alt
484 Disc Priest - (Alt)

6/9M; I am willing to reprog with a chill guild if the environment is right.

Schedule Requirements
Not interested in anything past 12am EST.
Preferred Days
Any combo of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

I do M+ for vaults and gear to down Mythic Raid Bosses. I’m also down to just hang out and do keys for fun. All of my maintained toons are 20+ capable.

Informational Links

Overall Raiding Experience
Raiding since Wrath at the highest difficulty. Mythic progression raiding for most tiers. A couple of CEs and several close tiers (downing most content but not all). I know the prog environment and how to exist in one.

Expectations of Me
Consumables of all sorts (hammers too!)
Addons (All the usuals, yes I have them.)
Some flexibility; I don’t play 30 specs, 10 classes, etc. But I do focus on a few specs across a couple classes or so. You can expect me to have about 1-2 well-maintained alts alongside my Main each tier. I mainly DPS but will dabble with Healing. I don’t Tank. But what I do play I make every attempt to play optimally. So I read the guides, talk in the class discords and try to play at least decently well.

My Expectations
No racists/bigots.
I don’t mind a thicker skinned environment, but have some consideration for your fellow humans.
If your guild is dead or there’s no actual engagement in the guild discord, I’m all set thanks.
If your guild discord is full of political rabble, I’m all set.
If your guild is anything short of chill adults (30+) who just want to do murder mythic difficulty monsters, swipe left.